I've had a rather eventful weekend. My uncle died Wednesday. He was on his motorcyle and we originally thought he lost control and wrecked, but actually, he had a heart attack which caused the wreck. The funeral was Saturday. It was very sad, but then again what funeral isn't?
Olivia's baptism was today. She is so darn cute. I really like my sisters church. It was very small. Maybe thats part of the reason I like it. I usually don't like other people's churchs. I don't know why. Maybe b/c some people are so pushy about that stuff and think that their church is the best and everyone elses church or religion pales in comparison. That annoys me.
Vegas is getting so big. She's adorable, and a fiesty one. Here's a cute picture I just took of her. You have no idea how hard it was to get her to sit still long enough for one little picture!