My colors.

Dec 27, 2006 12:58

From a lot of people in my flist.

Greens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people in the aura spectrum. Greens are extremely bright. They process information and ideas quickly; jumping from steps one to ten. They do not like dealing with all the steps and details in between.

A project that is too detailed is tedious and boring for Greens . They prefer to develop an idea, organize a plan, and then delegate someone else to take care of the details.

Greens are very drawn to money, power, and business. These quick-thinkers are very organized and efficient. They write lists and efficiently check off the items on the list as they are completed. Greens recognize patterns and discover solutions very quickly.

When Greens are in their power, they can accomplish anything. They love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. Greens are “movers and shakers” when it comes to taking action. They are also typically the workaholics on the planet.

Greens are highly competitive and enjoy challenges. They thrive on taking risks. Gambling is common for Greens , especially if there is a potential for large winnings.
Being strong-willed, these powerful personalities are determined to have their own way, which they usually feel is the right way. A person is rarely able to win an argument with Greens.

Magentas are rare and not commonly found on the planet these days. Magentas are the nonconformists in the aura spectrum. They are usually seen as bizarre loners. They see life from a different and unusual perspective. They don't choose to abide by society's mores, expectations or standards. They follow the beat of their own drummers.

Magentas love to shock people, to shake them from their ordinary, humdrum existence. For example, Magentas will walk down the street donning wild clothes and purple Mohawk hair cuts. Other people don't usually have the nerve or the desire to live the lifestyle of the Magentas .

Because of their outrageous behavior, Magentas prefer to live in large, crowded cities where they don't stand out as much and aren't pressured to conform. These free spirits aren't usually concerned about what others think, but in large cities they are more apt to have the freedom to express themselves.


People are not born with a Red Overlay. A Red Overlay is usually added to the outer bands of the aura early on in life because the person felt a need for protection. While a Red Overlay can offer protection, it also can become a terrible burden to bear.

The two most common indications that a person is carrying a Red Overlay are either feelings of intense anger and rage, or continuous struggle and self-sabotage. If these people don't eventually remove the Red Overlay from their aura, their protective shield will eventually become their prison.

Test can be found here.


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