Dec 16, 2008 23:59
Post the first sentence from the first post of each month.
January: Happy new year!
February: I ended up giving Angelo my resignation letter today.
March: The "going-away party" wasn't really a going-away party to me, but I mainly wanted to see some of the people I cared about from my last job.
April: I don't understand why both my Desktop and laptop computers crash everytime I do editing on LJ/MySpace?
May: I'm back home in Seattle!
June: It is sad to say, but I'm getting tired of applying for jobs.
July: I am suppose to have a job interview today at 9:00am, but I just decided that I am not that interested in the company.
August: This is a happy post:
September: Amy couldn't be happier.
October: It's scary when you know your co-worker is PMSing.
November: I'm not as good about updating my LJ as I was before.
December: I had a very nice time down in Camas/Vancouver/Portland for my 4-day Thanksgiving weekend.
Haha. This kind of does sum up my year in 2008. You can see the negativity (of the struggle of finding a job after leaving Safeway) and you can also see my mood change (in a way!) as we headed to the second half of the year. I still do have my ups and downs, but I am not writing as much about it on LiveJournal, I guess. Rather, I might even have been hiding? I don't hide my feelings well, so who knows. But here is another entry to add. :P