too much air conditioning will be the death of you

Jul 04, 2007 11:48

i don't look at my high school yearbook too much. but this morning, i wanted to see what a friend wrote in my yearbook last year. it was random. but i read it, and it's just weird. because we were so close last year, and now we're just blah. and then i came upon my "best" guyfriend's entry, and it was just sad. i don't even make the effort to see him anymore, and here he was, saying how much he'll miss the times we hung out and such. he wrote about how he'll come visit me during the school year, and it'll be a trade-off between the both of us. HAH. do we do that? it's sad, really. i don't try to contact him. i just want him to call me. and i think he's waiting for me to call him. i guess we both have too much pride. "i can't call him first, because that'll mean that i actually need him and miss him." blah, crap, shit; blah, crap, shit.

today is the 4th of july. and it's nice and sunny outside. perfect weather to go to the beach. oh yeah. and i hate driving. well, not hate, but dislike.. very much so. i drove in the hot hot sun ALL day yesterday. from irvine to fullerton when the traffic was at its worst. it was like death. i can't really stand long periods of air conditioning blowing into my face, so i had to alternate between air conditioning and rolling down my windows. when i roll down my windows, it got too hot after a while; so, i would roll them up, and turn on the ac. but then my head would start to hurt, so i would turn the ac off, and then roll the windows down. it was a monotonous and disgusting process. so i urge whoever plans to drive in the hot HOT sun for a long period of time... to not follow that disgusting plan. instead, have someone else drive you around and make them suffer the harshness of driving in the sun. have the ac blow into THEIR face. you could just sit in the back, and admire all the cars passing by you in the traffic. and the ac won't be too bad, because you'll be sitting in the back. it'll be cool.. but not cool enough to make you get a headache.

okay, i'm crazy. i'll stop.
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