Apr 27, 2010 11:45
First Name: Amy. I used to hate my first name. I always thought it was boring. I have grown somewhat attached to it... :P
Age: 28. It's really scary that I am almost 30. It's official - I am an Adult.
Location: NYC. There are days when I absolutely love it, and days where I can't believe that I live in a city full of people that don't seem to realize that they are not the only person in existence. I guess I shouldn't say that NYC is the only place where such individuals exist, but there certainly are quite a few. But, even after living here for almost 5 years, I still have days where I can't believe that *I* live in NYC.
Occupation: I have a long-ass title, but basically I am a glorified secretary. I cannot wait until the day when I have my degree in social work and am doing what I want to do in life - help people that really need it.
Partner: Chung. Love of my life. Smart, funny, adorable, sexy, and kind. <3
Kids: None yet. But hopefully someday soon. After the wedding, of course. And ideally I would like to be financially prepared.
Brothers/Sisters: LOTS. *lol* I have 3 older brothers (technically "half" brothers, but I consider them my real brothers), one younger sister and two younger step brothers. They are all fantastic people and I miss them daily.
Parents: My Mom is one of my best friends. She's awesome. She's the kind of mom that you want to actually hang out with after you have become an adult. And yet she's still maternal and she's one of the first people you want to call when you're upset. I am so proud of her for what she has accomplished in life. My dad is a musician in KC, MO. Very proud of him for pursing his dream, and I really hope that it goes from "struggling" to "successful" soon. He deserves it. My step-mom is also awesome, and a great person to have a long, intelligent conversation with.