Aug 23, 2004 22:58
Alright so a lot has happened actually I went to San Jose (6 hours away by car BLEH)
and saw my dad went to a few amusement parks took a few pictures got a call from someone and I can't decide if I should call back I'm hanging out with my brother and my mom is at Bingo. WoW I guess that's all alright so that's not a lot O WAIT and I get to go to MAgic Mountain with my friend Sofie this weekend and we're gonna go on the bungee :) I CANT wait it's gonna be so much fun! O I got a haircut a while back I miss my long layered hair ya it's a little past my shoulders and I have bangs and my part is FINALLY center lol o and it's NOT layered anymore. I'm 5'9 now w/out shoes I didn't grow that much this summer I guess. I'm TRYING to learn to play the guitar but it's not really working out.