Nov 28, 2002 13:40
I think this is a direct result of Nieder whapping me in the head with his tail while sleeping on the pillow next to mine.
there was this picnic or something. it was really hot and we were at my old house...the one I where I grew up. there was this brown bus tub of ice and water that was housing some sodas. I took Nieder for a walk on his leash. after Nieder's walk, he got into the bus tub and just laid on his side in the ice water, but he wasn't wet. Just his head was sticking out. then later, he got out and there was a jeep in the driveway...not the suv type. and my mom or someone moved the vehicle and when they did...they somehow chopped off his tail in 3 pieces, but there was no blood and he just had this stump for a tail. I was massively pissed because they deformed my pretty kitty. I kept yelling "you deformed my pretty kitty!!" but they kept telling me that it would grow back. The dream ended with little gauzes on his stump, but the stump was getting I guess it was growing back.
Of course, this means Nieder got molested with hugs when I woke up.