Don't mock our intellectual Greek love

Nov 23, 2008 19:47

Last night was my grandparent's sixtieth wedding anniversary. They are pretty much the most adorable married couple ever. Caitlin did not join me getting quietly drunk in the corner this time because of the three exams she has in the next two days, but I soldiered bravely on alone. I fear the photos that were taken while I did not have my photo face on.

Let me tell you, livejournal friends, you have not lived until you have sat through a conversation with a big group of over eighties. First there was the deplorable lack of disabled car parks. And there are so many parks for prams! The injustice. And that new Queensgate mall, how about it? Do you know what they did? They moved the post box. To which one of the elderly males only half listening exclaimed "Oh no!" in such a deadpan voice I got the giggles. There's those dreadful new-fangled escalators without steps, which Audrey fell down and a Black man helped her up at the bottom.

I swear, this discussion went on for a good twenty minutes. I pity you all so much that you missed it.

I shall now recount a conversation with Caitlin. Hannah is my cousin Ramon's girlfriend, whose parents are Joy and Stewart. I met her for the first time yesterday and feel slightly sorry for her as the whole family looks on her and Ramon as Nana and Pop's only hope for great grandchildren. My Great Aunty Emily even said "Don't go putting the marriage off too long, I'm not getting any younger", which made my dad facepalm. My male cousins have the great misfortune of getting extremely lovely girlfriends that the whole family immediately adopts as their own.

CAITLIN: Have you noticed that Hannah looks a lot like Aunty Joy and Ramon looks a lot like Uncle Stewart? Isn't that interesting?
AIMEE: Okay.
CAITLIN: So I've been studying Antigone for drama...
AIMEE: And you've been making Oedipal connections all over the show?

Caitlin also notices people's eyelids. It is a bizzare thing to notice but apparently my Mum's family all have very large eyelids and deep set eyes. She made the mistake of mentioning this at a large McNaughton gathering in April and no one could stop laughing.
But it's true.

Pop was all choked up when he thanked everyone for coming and thanked Nana for the time. He could hardly get his words out. God, I love them.

Am steadily becoming addicted to Never Mind the Buzzcocks. The gay-off is the best thing ever.

Also, for a good time watch Emma Thompson and Stephen Fry's Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning skit. "You must prepare yourself, my dear, faithful darling, for the possibility that I may never be well."
(PS Stephen Fry is a total hottie in this video)

videos, family, sister

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