Oct 14, 2008 12:13
Yeah, you know what I mean.
Last night I had a dream in which I was at my grandparent's house with a pregnant woman and some friends. The pregnant woman started giving birth, which was awkward and uncomfortable (and it's entirely possible that I had had an affair with her partner, I can't remember). Anyway, I was the only one available to help her give birth so that went on for a while.
Then we looked out the windows and saw a huge swarm of spaceships. "Oh no! The Spartans!" The Spartans came and attacked us on spaceships and were going to take us away and I was just like "this is a really awkward time".
And then I woke up. Emily agrees that this is proof that I have watched too much Doctor Who.
What else has happened? Well, I got an evaluation at work. Apparently, I am an asset. Also, my boss has never seen me flustered. Oh how I laughed.
I have been writing chapter four of To the Zombie Who Lives in my Wardrobe. It is an epic chapter because things actually happen. Jonathan Cecil Montgomery is, as I write, being nicknamed Gom.
I resent my writers' group for two reasons (but not seriously) because: a) they tried to nickname Jonathan Cecil 'JC' and b) several of them told me that his language was too mature for an eleven-year-old. I am ready to defend his 'imbeciles' to the death. There was a boy in my class at Intermediate who, on one of those 'Say something nice about people' sheets that we had to hand around, wrote "Aimee is unobtrusive and works in silence", which still makes me laugh.
I am trying to avoid the cliches, which is hard because Louisa McKay is definitely a cliched popular girl. My writers' group said: find the shades of grey. I said: but this is how Janey perceives her and also there are no good qualities in Intermediate school bullies.
I am writing lists on Greek terms. I am two weeks into my lectures and I already have four pages. This worries me somewhat.
It amuses me when I come across notes in my book like that in my subject header and also "Getting naked is a very Greek thing".
Anyway, back to my lists. Good luck with study all of you who are doing that. Good luck with life. Beware Spartans in flying saucers.
Love Aimee
vworp vworp,
the zombie intermediate novel,
university: classics,
the ancients were weird,