My First Brush Set & Robin Thicke Icons

Mar 24, 2007 15:55

After doing my last icon set, I decided to start making my own tiny text brushes. Some of the text brushes I had were either too big, too small, had a font that didn't go well with the image, or had something else I didn't like. So some of those Grey's Anatomy icons have text that I did myself. That got me thinking... why not make my own tiny text brush set?

So just as a test to see what I can do, I made a Tiny Text Brush set using lyrics from "Lost Without U" by Robin Thicke. I also made 4 Robin Thicke icons to show a sample of what the text will look like!

10 Tiny Text Brushes
Lyrics from "Lost Without U" by Robin Thicke
Made with Adobe Photoshop 8.0
.abr + 400x250 .PNG image sample included

[o] comment, even if you're using them outside of LJ
[o] credit: aimees |
[o] no hotlinking
[o] do not claim as your own.
[o] do not re-distribute without permission. If you ask and I give you permission, please link my LJ or DA profile.

========= [ CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ] =========

Samples of my icons using the brush set:


I hope you like them!

graphics, brush set, icons, download

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