maifest '09

May 30, 2009 01:45

So....perhaps we were drunk before we even made it to the bars.
I mean, I know I was.

First people we run into pretty much, SCJ (who screams "SUMMER HAUS!"
while running down the street) and Matt of Matt and Colleen, who is
now Matt and Mandy.

Here's Joe, right before he miraculously let's Angela into Strasse.
What a dream! Two years later, I finally have a reason to like the kid.

We also run into Coleslaw, for maybe the first time since the
Summer Haus. He showed us the pink unicorn tattoo about 53 times.
But hey, he got a free bar tab out of that tattoo.


I missed the trip to Lucy Blue's. Lord knows what I was doing.
Most likely tolerating Merlin/Marlin because he loved me and
was buying me drinks.

James Berry!!!

Mandatory reunion shots with James.

Minus Angela, who disappears into a cloud of smoke whenever
James comes around. :)

I love this picture of Angela and Saudi. It reminds me of the
beginning of the summer when we were closer to Saudi, before
he realized none of us were going to sleep with him and
distanced himself.

Captain shows up and is in love with us! Admits his real name,
says he's going to kill Tank (???) and as he leaves, I assure
him he will "always be my captain."

The Wine Guys! We meet these guys at a "wine tasting" in a
dumpy KY liquor store, and they track us down at the bar!
Looooooved these guys.

Now lets do group shots, and let's play a game called
"Who's he?" Hmm...the guy on the end? Who's he?

Alright, we have one of the wine guys, Mahv, Keith's face
in Kate's tits and.....oh! That guy in the back...Who's he?

Looks like we know everyone. The other Wine Guy, and Mahv.
Normal. Oh wait....upper left hand corner....Who's he?

HAHAHAHAHHAHA, here's another game, Can Katelin Make A
Funnier Face Than This?!

YES, YES SHE CAN. Hysterical. She looks like the joker!!

The next day, we actually make it to "the festival" during
the day for fair food and vendors. And my (almost) fainting

Angela and finger puppets...possibly the cutest thing I
have ever seen.

Back to Strasse Haus!!

Katelin and Crystal: Back to Strasse, Part Dos.

Angela, thrilled to get in again. Loves it!!

"Look! Joe is standing under the Sloppy Joe sign!!"
"I asked Joe if he liked sloppy joes and he said
"Of course. But only on a plate, with chips, for
$4.95." - Katelin.

Possibly my favorite picture of the weekend. The
"Sauuuuuuddddddiiiii" Claw WITH Saudi!!

Who needs a basket when you can just eat the popcorn
straight out of the machine with your hands? Or the
stray kernals on top....that's what Crystal went for....

While Angela and I are calling 911 and having Jeremy
scraped off the ground after The Bloody Beatdown (Part
Dos), Katelin and Crystal are having a grand old time
at the Anchor with Keith and the Uncomfy Roommate.
Why is his nose so skinny?

I love that they made Keith take a "hang ten" photo.
Since he's the only one I've seen do that in pictures
since like 1995.

Bonus picture! Not at Maifest, but in Nashville days
before. My husband and I reunited!!!

My favorites, ever (minus Crystal, taking the picture,
and Angela, out of state.)
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