I haven't made any legit updates in awhile. Winterbreak ended with a bang, a bang that we like to call Cheese Hunt '06. You see, Krista Jenna PK and I were sitting in th NDA parking lot talking when the subject turned to cheese. This led to us craving cheese, but being as it was nearly midnight we had to find this sketchy 24 hour convenience store and we ran in asking for cheese....the cashier was hott for us. He gave Krista a discount.
Got back to Nashville and was welcomed with open arms. I missed everyone here. But now I miss everyone at home. It's like a Catch-22 I suppose. Anyway, it snowed the other night which is really rare! But that is about all that is going on, we're planning our weekend which should be interested.
I got locked out of my room for three hours today but I just dicked around solo in Caitlin's room and then went down to the lobby and watched Celebrity Poker Showdown for awhile. :)
look how big the flakes are!!
yay! cori! snow!
caitlin and jeff!! snow!!
caitlin and jeff decided to run the track
dsnt dsnt at the flake that ruined the picture
i act like i've never seen snow before...
all that remained of the snow...
my new friends! the fatty one is diddy and the skinnier one is buffy
:) they are my loves