(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 21:48


1. Stop admitting to shopping at Abercrombie. It doesn’t mean you have to stop, just don’t tell anyone.

2. Head straight for Urban Outfitters, Hot Topic (but don’t let anyone see you in there) and/or any random second hand store (Goodwill, Value Village, etc).

3.Scarves are a must even though you are in Texas. Buy as many in as many colors as possible. However, your new favorite colors are white, black, and magenta.

4.You love Texas. You must advertise how Texas x core you are, even if you only live here.

5.Next. Shoes. Sauconys are your best bet, however they may be replaced with chucks or vans. Ugly Mary-Janes if you are a girl.

6.The only disgustingly dirty item you may own is your chucks. Anything else must look new. Clothes may be nu-vintage.

7.While you’re shopping, you must have screamo. On vinyl. Especially if you don’t have a record player.

8.In Hot Topic, they have a lot of pins next to the counter. While purchasing your white studded belt, pick out at least 10 pins of underground bands, pirates or vegan sayings. You also have to have an adult swim related pin. These are to be pinned onto and next to your crotch of your ridiculously tight jeans.

9.Perhaps the most important feature of the Scenester is the hair. Always black. And very shiny. Parted in the middle and hanging over your face is the most acceptable. You are a girl, and therefore your hair must be a backwards mullet if you will, shorter in the back and long and in your face in the front. You must use at least 6 different hair products and spend no less than 45 minutes on it. Murrays beeswax is the way to go. Pomade comes in a close second. However, whenever ANYONE asks you what you use, the answer is always “oh. Product”.

10.Makeup. layers. Bright obnoxious eye shadows must be paired with at least 3 other equally as gaudy. Eyeliner. And lots of it. Preferably winging out to the sides for girls. This may or may not only apply to the female gender. Male scenesters tend to be metro-borderline transvestites.

11.All of your hair products and makeup must be carried with you at all times. And what do you carry your accessories in? A fagbag of course! With studs, buttons, logos, and patches.

12.Huge Jackie-O sunglasses are a must. White preferably. To be worn at all times, especially inside and driving in the dark.

13.You must be in a CREW. Without a crew you are not scene.
eg: tightXpussyXcrew. Or, there may be initials that stand for absolutely nothing, eg: xMTAx.

14.There must be at least 2 x’s in any crew name, one in any aim s/n, and three in any online journal name.

15.You must believe that any band you do not like is “NÜ-Metal”.

16.You have to love one-word bands. Preferably screamo bands. Beloved. .Hopesfall., etc. If you've got a band, you can not be apart of the "Three Word" Band scene. It must be one long word. Eg, Fewleftstanding.

17.When typing (because scene kids are always online) you must put periods before AND after sentences. .like this. Also, random bold/italic characters and random strikeouts. [these brackets are often accepted].

ShOwErXsCeNeS : HOLY PETUNIA'S@#%$@$#@#!!
ShOwErXsCeNeS :how was the [comeback kid show]
XsurfXninjaX : AWESOME!!!
XsurfXninjaX : there was so much energy
XsurfXninjaX : singalongs and stage dives
ShOwErXsCeNeS : oh yeah.. were they takein the mic from the singer?!?!
XsurfXninjaX : yea o course
XsurfXninjaX : also there was like 20-25 kids singalong on stage
XsurfXninjaX : and also can't forget about the pile ons!!!!!!!
ShOwErXsCeNeS : thats so rad

18.Real scenesters are called KIDS. Nothing else.
Atreyu Screams : Sup kid

19.Do not attempt to be funny. Scene kids are always serious.

20.Practice hardcore dancing in front of your mirror and then try them out the next time Atreyu comes to town

21.Name your hardcore dance moves things like "The mother fuck" or "kick that guys ass move" or better yet... stay home and cry.

22.Remember, it's fun to punch and kick kung fu style.

23.You cannot HxC dance until you make sure your pants are fully cuffed. [three times]

24.Whatever you do, don't let the singer on stage ever sing in the mic. Make sure you grab it from him and sing in it yourself, after all, you do a better job singing then him. It's a wonder they didn't put you on the album.

25.People in the front row are best used as a ladder/staircase to reach your goal... steal the mic away from the singer.

26.When people ask you if you like a band always say "I only like the old stuff" or "I haven't really gotten into the new stuff."

27.You many never cheer for a band. You may only clap and smooth your hair in approval.

28.Whenever someone asks you about a band you like you must always either say: “THEY BRING THE FUCKING MOSH!” or “They’re rad like whoa, they’re so fucking beautiful”

thextorsoxbang: the chiodos brothers bring the fucking mosh

starlesssedation: so sam, what are your views on eighteen visions?

29.You must belong to at least one of the following online communities: Myspace, LiveJournal, Xanga, MadRadHair, Friendster or FaceTheJury.

30.These sites require pictures. You must own either a web cam or a digital camera. And take a plethora of pictures. Of yourself. You may never EVER look into the camera, unless you are looking extremely pissed off, depressed, or extremely tough

31.Act tough at all times.

32.You must either use at least one drug excessively, or none at all. Either way you must advertise how “STRAIGHTXEDGEXCORE” you are, or how wasted you were at that show last night.

33.When in doubt about ANYTHING. Add at least 2 x’s, or a “core“ . it will automatically become scene.
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