So I did a stupid survey...
~SuRvEy~BaSiiC iiNfONaMe:Aimee StaTuS:married AgE:29 StRaiiGhT/Bii/Gay:straight BiiRthDaY:4/9/77 LoCaTiiOn:FL/OH RaCe:Caucassion HaiiR CoLoR/EyEs:blond/blue PiiErCiiNgS:ears TaTTooS:none RiiGhtY Or LeFtY:righty BRa SiiZe:...that's for me to know and for...not many of you to find out ~RanDoM Q's~ArE YoU iiN LoVe?:yes If YeS,WiiT Who::Bronson :) ArE YoU A ViRgiN::I guess not Do YoU SmoKe/DriiNk::occasionally ( less now that my second hand smoke "hurts Bronson's feelings" his words not mine)/yes BeLiieVe iiN KaRmA::yes ArE YoU RaCiSt::no Do You WaNt To GeT mArrIeD::I am already Do YoU BeLiieVe iiN YouRseLf::sure GeT AlOnG WiiT Ur ParEnTs::yes HaVe U GoNe SkiinnY DippinG::yes ~HaVe YoU eVeR...~StoLen SuMthiiNg::yes BeeN iiN LoVe::yes KiiSSeD A sTrAnGeR::yes doNe DruGs::depends on what you'd consider drugs GoT DrUnK::yes BrOkEn ThE LaW::yes SnUck OUt::yes RaN AwAy FrOm HomE::no KiiSSeD The SamE seX::no ChEaTeD On SumOne::no BeeN CheAtEd On::yes
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