Tug of War

Aug 20, 2010 22:53

This little installment fits in with my Miroku/Kagome fic Tug of War and won first place on inuyasha_et_al for the Kindness prompt.

Title: Mistaken 
Author: aimee_blue
Rating: T
Prompt: Kindness (Inuyasha et al #11)
Genre: Humour Romance
Word count: 1,250
Pairing: Miroku/Kagome
Warning: None
Summary: Kagome and Miroku are misinterpreted.

Astutely observing the shenanigans of the monk and the Miko from his lofty perch, Inuyasha rolled his eyes as the Miko gave the monk a slap that echoed around the forest in a startling manner.

“Why does Miroku do that?” Shippo asked curiously, as he balanced on his stomach on a branch adjacent to the Hanyou.

“Keh. Like I know,” Inuyasha grumbled, folding his arms and closing his eyes in a manner that he hoped signified that he was done talking.

Oblivious, the kit continued his line of questioning. “Is it a human mating ritual?”

Inuyasha clocked the kit around the head, nearly knocking the runt out of the tree. “No, baka.”

“Wah! Inuyasha!” the Kitsune pouted, bounding down from the tree and into Kagome’s protective embrace.

An eyebrow twitched, a Hanyou flinched and a kit cheered as Inuyasha was pulled down from his tree with more force than he would have liked.



Inuyasha frowned as Kagome smiled at Miroku who’d just offered to go and fetch some more firewood for the fire.

“You know, keep being so nice to him and we’ll never get rid of him,” the Hanyou opined grumpily as he shovelled his ramen
into his mouth, “you’re too kind for your own good.”

Kagome blinked in shock. “Get rid of him, Inuyasha he isn’t a stray we picked up by accident!”

“Keh, could have fooled me,” he grumbled, “but you’re only encouraging the damn lecher! I thought you didn’t like being groped!”

“Nobody likes being groped,” Kagome corrected, stoking the fire with a stick.

“Yeah, but being all happy and smiling at him will just make it worse,” Inuyasha needled insistently.

“Huh?” Kagome was baffled, her head tilting to one side as she stopped jabbing at the fire.

Gesticulating wildly with hands filled with chopsticks and cup ramen, Inuyasha tried to explain. “He grabs ass, you slap him, but five minutes later you’re batting your lashes when he offers to get fire wood; you forgive him too easily and he doesn’t learn,” Inuyasha attested.

“Really?” Kagome bit her lip in a considering manner, “so I should... what should I do?” she ended, baffled.

“Hell if I know, never had to deal with a lecher as persistent as he is before,” Inuyasha admitted, shrugging as he slurped down the last of his ramen.

Inuyasha had sounded wise for a moment, but it appeared that his counsel on the matter of Miroku and his wandering hands, ended rather abruptly, leaving Kagome wondering what she was to do about it.

Being the centre of Miroku’s attention was... nice, flattering even, until he got grabby. But how to stop him getting grabby?


Kagome frowned up at the slope Miroku expected her to surmount, surely such a steep incline was impossible for anyone human?

The two humans had ended up distanced from the Hanyou and the Kitsune in the midst of their most recent shard related battle, and being so far off the beaten track, Kagome was relying on Miroku’s supposedly brilliant sense of direction to forge the way back to the group.

“Are you sure?” she inquired dubiously, allowing the monk to lead her towards the colossal mound of earth by her elbow. It really was more of a muddy-wall to be literal, lined with roots and trees. Considering the beaten path had mysteriously vanished, it also appeared to be the only route.

“Kagome-sama, would I lie to you?” he answered glibly.

“If it meant I’d bare your child? Yes.”

“You wound me, my dear!” he sounded affronted, but the cheerful twinkle in his eyes betrayed his act.

“Whatever,” she dismissed him frowning at the huge hill with barely concealed contempt.

Fingers folded around her hip bones with startling familiarity, calloused hands pressing against the smooth partially-revealed skin of her belly, but before she could manage more than an inarticulate squeal of feminine outrage, she’s been lifted off her feet.

Scrabbling with her hands, she grabbed on to the tree that rested against the incline and levered herself, with the help of Miroku’s hands up.

“Nearly there,” she grumbled, attempting to hoist herself onto the top of the steep incline without much success.

“Hm, I need to readjust my grip,” Miroku surmised, sliding his hands to cup Kagome’s derriere as he pushed her that final distance and she found purchase on the top of the slope.

“You didn’t need to grab my ass,” she scolded even as she leant over the slope to offer the monk a hand.

“I may not have needed to, but I did want to,” he argued, eyes twinkling.

Kagome glowered and jerked her helping hand back, recalling Inuyasha’s words. Surely assisting him was technically rewarding him for doing something she considered inappropriate.

Miroku quirked a brow in askance and she tossed her hair over her shoulder in an aloof manner.

“I will not encourage a lecher with helpful gestures,” she affirmed, chin tilting stubbornly.

“I was helping,” he wheedled, eyes narrowing speculatively, “and I can assure you that I am suitably regretful for my actions.”

“I don’t think so,” she argued in a sing-song voice, grinning a Cheshire cat smile, “plus you probably saw my panties.”

“Yes, blue today are they not?” he admitted, eyes sparkling.

Her eyes flashed with temper and she glowered at him. “Pervert. I should slap you.”

“Ah!” he held out a rebuking finger, “but you can’t, for you are up there and I am down here.”

“Not going work,” she insisted - seeing through his little plan, crossing her arms in a matter of fact sort of way.

“I can be patient,” he hummed, “because the longer I am down here the longer I am in your company and the darker it will

Kagome scowled at that; he was right. Sun set was soon and Miroku was her self-appointed guide; without him she was stuck.

“Fine!” she sighed in a long suffering manner and held her hand out to the monk.

“I knew you’d see it my way,” he cajoled.

She grunted as she pulled on his arm. “But when you get up here, I’m going to slap you, just so you know.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he cheerfully replied, earning himself an eye roll and a softly uttered taunt of,“Masochist.”

Hands locked together and Kagome heaved as the monk levered himself with his shakujou, resulting in them toppling over into an ungainly heap on the flat top of the strange slope.

Legs tangled, hands grasped at inappropriate places and Kagome winced as the monk’s prayer beads got tangled in her hair.

“Ouch,” she winced, one eye shut as he almost yanked her hair away from her scalp.

“I apologise,” he hummed and she glared up at him. His ungainly landing had been at least more graceful than her own, whereas she had fallen on her bottom, he'd had to decency not to fall onto her, propping himself on his hands so that only their legs were tangled.

“I told you it was a mating ritual, Inuyasha!” Shippo’s excitable high pitched squeak cut in.

“Keh, human’s are crazy, kid, what can I tell you,” the Hanyou replied glowering at the two of them, “and I thought we talked
about encouraging the pervert, Kagome.”

“Just kill me now,” Kagome grumbled as she pressed her face to Miroku’s chest to hide her brilliant blush.

“Houshi, you are in deep shit...” Inuyasha promised, cracking his knuckles ominously.

“Now, now, my friend, there has been a misunderstanding!”

first, tug of war, inuyasha, kagome, miroku, oneshot, pairing: mir/kag, shippo, inuyasha_et_al

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