
Jun 03, 2009 22:01

... Because my LJ looks so abandoned, and because I want to prove to myself that I can still blog.

I didn't do much this summer. I tried writing, and for some time, it worked. I was able to finish a short story and a chapter for another story I worked on. But that was it. I planned to write and finish copies of our papers for journals, but I wasn't able to start those AT ALL. Procrastination got the most of me. Not having a structured schedule is hard. I also didn't teach this summer. And, I wasn't able to hit the *med* books either.

So what did I do?!

I supervised while little bro was learning math and science stuff, as well as gave him tips which he might need should he take high school entrance exams. I practiced cooking spaghetti the way I like it. I cooked a lot of things actually. Most of them went over well *thanks to McCormick =)*. I watched Felicity and Dawson's Creek *such a fangirl*. I also watched the movies I missed while i was in medschool *Confessions of a Shopaholic, He's Just not that into You, Bolt, Marley and Me, Bee Movie, Fast and Furious, etc.* I watched my favorite movies once more *My Best Friend's Wedding, Sleepless in Seattle, An Affair to Remember, While You Were Sleeping, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Bone COllector, etc*. I read some books that have always been in my bookshelf, but which I never got the chance to read *The Street Lawyer by John Grisham, Sa Mga Kuko ng Liwanag and Killing Time in a Warm Place*. I played songs on my laptop, and played lots and lots of Freecell and Solitaire. I finished Virtual Villagers 1 *I'm not much of a game enthusiast =)*. I ate to my heart's content. I went to Quezon and Baguio. I went to both my parents' office outings. I cheered for my sister and cousins' volleyball team in the church sports activities. I went with my mom to shop in Divisoria for tela for my sibs' uniforms. I finally got my board certificate from PRC. I went to a class tuli mission *since it was just enar our place*. I cataloged my second year transes *since I'm pretty sure they'd come in handy this coming school year*.

Yes, a lot of those stuff fall under "bumming". But, they were time well spent bumming. I actually consider my cooking spaghetti a great feat, because now, I really don't crave that much for store bought spaghetti. My sibs and my cousins love my cooking, and that's enough for me :P It was quite touching when I prepared my sister's baon for her 2pm-10pm duty at the hospital. and she said she and her dutymates liked my spaghetti and graham ref cake so much. =)

One of my regrets is that i wasn't able to spend time with my friends. =( Someday friends, when i feel stressed, labas tayo after. :)

Second year med went over well. I liked our lessons more, although I still feel that the time allotted per subject is not enough. I hope third year's going to treat me well, too. I hear upperclassmen say it's the most benign year. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Hospital work is not my forte... I still have to work on my skills and my bedside manners.Haay.

Tomorrow, I'm off to the college to enroll. Third year med, here I come. Bring it on!
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