OOC: notes on the RAS Liberty and crew (mostly from wookiepedia)

Oct 19, 2009 23:43

the Liberty
Type: MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser
Commander: Admiral Yamarus (presumably Mon Calamari)
Role: Yamarus's soldiers procured the shuttle Tydirium, and Yamarus worked hard to prepare fleet for upcoming Battle of Endor. Liberty was the first ship to be destroyed by Death Star II in Battle of Endor ( youtube clip of battle).

Length: 1,500 meters

Maximum acceleration: 1,550 G
Hyperdrive rating: Class 1

Armament: Turbolasers (48)
Ion batteries (20)
Tractor beam projectors (6)

Complement: Starfighters (36) - Green Squadron (RZ-1 A-wing interceptor), Bandit Squadron, ???? (probably either X-wings or Y-wings)
Shuttles: (5)
Light freighters: (2)
Light mixture of ground vehicles

Crew Officers: (668)
Enlisted: (4,734)

Passengers: 1,200 troops

Notes: Liberty would have originally been a civilian ship, and was retrofitted for millitary. It had an array of nine engines, divided into three different sizes, located at the stern. A large wing-shaped superstructure was affixed to the main hull on either side, containing weapons pods and tractor beam arrays. It also wouldn't have been designed with other species in mind, although retrofitted as much as possible. All Mon Calamari cruisers were handcrafted, ensuring that each vessel was different. The ships had a distinct organic look that directly contradicted the stark, harsh factory lines that signified the Imperial starships. Each vessel had a unique, seemingly random assortment of lumps and bumps dotting its surface. These were in fact highly modular capsules that could be retrofitted to house crew's quarters, maintenance facilities and, in time of conflict, shield generators, turbolasers, and ion cannons (Mon Calamari Star Cruiser). Mon Calamari ships gave Rebel technicians a headache.

As soldiers, the Mon Calamari were known to fight with a resolve that rivaled the Wookiees. As pilots the Mon Calamari would control their ships like a artist would control a paintbrush. Their most notable role in the Rebellion were the officer and tactical positions that the Rebels desperately needed to fill. - Mon Calamari

From Green Squardon, Arvel Crynyd, Tycho Celchu, and Jake Farrell were present at briefing.

Images: Schematics
view from starboard aft quarter

Home One hangar

From wikia:gaming: Mon Calamari Star Cruiser

From theforce.net Warships of the Mon Calamari, and game statistics

ooc, spaceship, star wars

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