Marriages are soooo cool!!!

Jun 07, 2006 15:38

Some months ago my boyfriend received an invitation, which looked very beautiful. It said that he and a guest were invitet to a marriage in a castle (Heidelberg) on Sunday, 06/04/2006. One of the pilots  and Jasons buddy got engaged.
All excited about that little Olga started planning the outfits and we really went through EVERYTHING:

--> normal clothes, go over on motorcycle, change at Marc's (my boyfriend's boss) house.
--> evening clothes, go by car
--> evening dress, go by car, drink, stay at Marc's house and drive back the following morning
--> evening dress, go by train... no, that idea didn't even appear...
--> evening dress and motorcycle
...we decided to go by car, change at Marc's house and.... holly smokes, all hair dressers are closed on Sundays!!!! --> PANIC.
Thank God I have a mommy who knows all kinds of people and so she gave me a woman's number, who's a pro hair dresser and since she's a friend of my mom's she styled my hair even on a Sunday.

Saturday, one day before the wedding.... Jason has no suit. I actually didn't expect anything else, but still, it made me go mad. We went to P&C, have found a wonderful suit, not even too expensive and.... P&C doesn't accept VISA. Of Course I didn't have my card with me and so Jason started hating P&C. We went on base and there was this incredibly cute shop assistant with this HUGE British accent. So while J. kept searching for a suit, a tie and a shirt I talked about half an hour to her and we decided to go shopping some time, check out the new gym in town and she wanted to visit me at the Sushi-Bar. 
4pm on the self same Saturday. I had to work 50minutes later and in this moment we realized that it might get cold and I didn't have a jacket which would fit the dress. 
Weeeeeeeell.... I'm always thankful for nice connections and thinking about connections, the very first place we went to was "Benetton". Thank God we did, 'cause after something like 7minutes we have found the absolute right thing and all my problems were solved.

...all my problems??? Now I remembered that the hair dresser told me to bring some stuff with me which I didn't have. ---> PANIC!!!!
I want to thank my little flower named Candice for running around in town and searching all that crap for me. You saved my ass, sweetheart, I love you!

After getting my hair styled, which is incredibly hard, since my hair is absolutely not made fo that - it's thin and brashly and that woman did an awesome job!  
We left around 3pm, as Jason noticed he had no black socks. At this moment he decided to call his boss...
"Hey ya! You already left?"
"Yessss.... listen, do you have socks?"
"Black ones?"
"Well, I forgot mine."
"Hero! I'm thinking about hitting the base and getting a suit!"
"Well if you do, hurry up and buy me a pair of socks."
"Oh wait, i got some..... with grey stripes. One for me, one for you!"
Me: "One sock for him one for you???"
Marc: "Errr... we like sharing!"
Alright, next problem solved. 
After getting the wrong exit or passing the right exit we arrived at Marc's place pretty much on time. His little daughter, Julia, met us at the front door. Gosh, that girl is an ANGEL! She's sooooo sweet! I think she liked me, 'cause she didn't want to let me go.
After having a little tour through Marc's HUGE house we decided to change, as Jason noticed: "Oh, I haven't got my belt!" 
With a strange feeling in my stomach I checked whether he had his pants.  Well, you gotta know that Marc is a "little" bigger than my boyfriend, so I didn't know whether we'd find a belt. But at least they found one.... from of Marc's kid....

After giving some advice to Marc what to wear and what to leave, we were ready to hit the spotlight...

 (oops, I think I resized a bit too much...)

...thank God we were, because we already expected to walk in behind the bride. 
Actually the trip to the castle was incredibly funny, because Marc and Jason drive the self same car, even the same color - a dark blue BMW 520. Yeah, an oldie. I love 'em! Both in suits, both with sunglasses. 
We drove up as much as possible and actually didn't ecpect the cars to still be there when we returned, but they were.
The search for the chapel started. 
"We're late!!! We're late!!!"
"Cool down, there's Diane, she's still taking pictures."
"Alright then... BUT WHERE IS THE CHAPEL???"
Hard to believe, but true - we walked in by time. About 1minute later the doors were closed...
After the both bride's witnesses there was this absolutely adoreable little kid with the flowers.

Here she ran out of flowers and didn't know what to do.  Helpless she looked around. Some women gave her a sign to keep going, but she showed them her problem in demonstrating her little basket as if to say "Don't you get it, woman? I DON'T HAVE ANY FLOWERS LEFT!!!" 
Then the bride walked in. Wow, whe looked just amazing!

The ceremony was very interesting. Well, it was to me, since I haven't seen something like that before. It lasted about an hour and I really liked the priest. Sweet little man, very friendly.
An hour later Greg and Diane walked out as husband and wife...

Well... and since I have no time to write any more (have to study for my exams), I'll just show you some pics and hope you like them.

- had a wonderful time
- danced with the groom
- cake was very good (yes, Greg, you were right!)
- liked the atmosphere
.... THANKS!!!! :)

right after the ceremony:

Oh btw!!! Absolutely loved the little cards...

Right about to leave... Thanks for taking the pics, Marc!!!

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