Jan 05, 2008 17:39
Even though I'm happy Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses, I can't help feeling really frustrated and sad still about the way people have talked about Hillary Clinton. My grandma was telling me that on CNN, every time she did something, it was portrayed negatively. I've heard people who are generally politically aware call her a "shrew"; people say she's conniving and evil and will do whatever she can for power. People say she's too much of a politician.
I bet Hillary Clinton has had a fucking hard time. I mean, imagine being a woman in a room full of old white men senators. A lot of them probably dismiss what she says without her even starting. She's probably been called a bitch tons of times. I've heard people call her a bitch. I just can't even listen to one criticism of Clinton without thinking it is full of sexism. Y'know, I do think white women are privileged by their race, so I guess I thought Clinton wouldn't get as much of this shit. It just makes me so sad.
At school people have been hanging up these postcards that have a picture of Condoleeza Rice in this Andy Warhol style artwork, and written under the picture is "Warho." Hahaha, warho warhol? get it. How clever. How fucking offensive. And people just think it's OKAY. Hey, why don't we criticize women in power, especially women of color, by saying they probably get paid to have sex with men? That's cool. And the worst thing was I was at this anti-war protest with a bunch of people from wesleyan, and this frosh had one of these postcards and she said, "oh isn't this so funny?" I said, "I mean, no, why does she have to be criticized that way? It's really offensive." And the frosh said, "I mean, I guess, but she kind of deserves it." WHAT THE FUCK?! I mean, I wasn't really angry at this frosh. I just couldn't believe she would THINK that. I feel like the implication is that any woman we disagree with can just be called a whore, can be completely disrespected and dismissed like that. "Oh, I don't really agree with her, her occupation is probably prostitute."