-Updated Oct. 28, Now with a GRAPH!-
To everyone in the code-breaking meeting last night: Team Gai has discovered more. We have figured out all of Clue Set 1 and some of Clue Set 2. Here is our information:
The full first clue set is:
1. Inoichi (page with paper) (1)
2. Mission (table of villains) (2)
3. Enemy (Akatsuki Leader, "Don't say my name") (3)
4. Leader (Asuma-sensei, Yonbi, Yondaime, Yashamaru) (4)
5. Army (Picture that Lee found earlier of Shodai and Nidaime Hokages) (5)
6. Ghost (Picture of Hidan, hidden text: binary and other codes that all translate to say "hidden") (6)
7. Hidden (Black page with very dark text on it, saying "
http://www.geocities.com/senjuulegacy/obvious_or_what.jpg" That URL leads to a picture of an Island) (7)
8. Island ("And the Wind Blew off My Hat" with the title "Just 5 of them." (8)
9. Kage ("Beware our teeth and missing nin")(9)
10. Kiri (Good Job Shinobi) (10)
Now that the new number intel has marked "Assassin" as 16, not five, we know it is part of set 2 This means we are still looking for Clue 5 from Set 1. It should start with an A and lead to the clue "ghost" Solved, now, as "army"
Clue Set Two
This set leads us to the new code word: imelaghikk.
Page Title: Part II: Start from the Basics
Page Body: Black Background. White Text reading "Ah, so you were able to see through the deceit.
Good, good! Shinobi with your insight, that's what
we need in times like these.
However, you must prove your worth before
you're entrusted with this mission. Gather your
team and give it your best shot!"
Answered As: Teamwork
Teamwork leads to:
Number: 11
Page Title: Honor for the Secret Shadows
Page Body: Tiled background of shuriken switching between black on white and white on black. Red text reading "Choose your own way"
Answered As: Shinobi
Shinobi leads to:
Number: 12
Page Title: No X scars here, though
Page Body: Tiled background of a blurred picture of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. White text reading "At least we have honor in spades."
Answered as: Swordsman
This is where it all gets a little pear-shaped, but bear with me. The new number intel has cleared this right up.
Swordsman leads to:
Number: 13
Page Title: Take a trip down memory lane...
Page Body: Picture of a snowy lane with what looks like a person and a dog. Black text reading "...I can see myself in your eyes. We have the same expression."
Answered as: Zabuza
Zabuza leads to:
Number: 14
Page Title: "Think outside the box: travel abroad or cross the river."
Page Body: Black background. White text reading "Doing Great So Far! Now Your Path Diverges. Communication should be your greatest strength, from here onwards. One path per team, there's no turning back once you've chosen."
Go Left: A picture of a Livejournal Symbol (pencil and swirl) + an Urn + an Eye
Go Right: Text reading "Across the Golden Gate"
Go Left answered as: Journey.
Journey leads to:
Number: 15
Page Title: "Kukuku..."
Page Body: White background, black text reading "Sore wa
himitsu desu." Translated as: It's a secret
Answered as: Secret
Number: 16
Page Title: And this one wasn't a failure.
Page Body: Black background. Red, white and blue text. "November 9th"
Answered as: Coup
Number: 17
Page Title: Don't give up, we're almost there!
Page Body: White background, black text reading "Ah, so you were able to see through the deceit.
Good, good! Shinobi with your insight, that's what
we need in times like these.
However, you must prove your worth before
you're entrusted with this mission. Gather your
team and give it your best shot!"
Task 1: "Hermione's 82"
Task 2: A picture of the Chakra circulatory network
Task 3: A power button
Number: 18
Page Title: 2/7
Page Body: White background, black text reading "Eli Gould's Worst Nightmare", a picture of a deer in the forest.
Answered as: Greed
Greed leads to another Regroup and Share Your Findings page, with the 3 highlighted (like Mizu). Number: 19
Go Right answered as: Bridge
Number: 15
Page Title: Gonna KILL you.
Page Body: A background of some sort of explosion of color. Picture of a Spoon+ Picture of the text on an exploding tag.
Answered as: Assassin
Assassin leads to
Number: 16
Page Title You're looking for THIS, not that.
Page Body: A picture of a Japanese man looking at a ghost, > symbol, and a picture of Kyuubi. Hidden text: "Japanese mythology is all kinds of awesome"
Answered as Inari (The mythological figure, not the boy)
Number: 17
Page Title: C'mon, we're almost there...
Page Body: White background, black text reading "Hey, you're pretty good!
The answer to each of the
following will take you to a
different page. This time,
though, you'll need them
all. So bring out that team
spirit and split the tasks!"
Task 1: A picture of a girl with long hair, her back to the viewer, standing in front of a chair with something on it
Task 2: A small picture of grey swirls on white next to white swirls on red, with a band of black and white reaching through. (A blurred youtube symbol)
Task 3: 3 blurred pictures on a black background. (Sandaime, Asuma-sensei and Konohamaru-kun)
Task 1 solved as: Loss
Loss leads to
Number: 18
Page Title: Teuchi and Ayame say hi!
Page Body: White background with a repeated picture of a whirlpool or spiral.
Answered as: Naruto
Naruto leads to another Regroup and Share Your Findings page, highlights 1, number: 19
Task 3 solved as: Family
Number: 18
Page Title: Don't make Kakashi say it.
Page Body: White background, picture of a wave.
Potentially solved as: Nami New number intel makes this unlikely, as they are both 18. But since there are three eighteens altogether so far...who knows?
Number: 18
Page Title: You don't want to that when I'm angry.
Page Body: White Background, picture of a white rabbit.
Potentially solved as: Haku
Haku leads to a Regroup and Share Your Findings page, with the 2 highlighted. Number: 19
And here are some other clues that we can't fit together but should be remembered:
Leads to another Regroup and Share Your Findings page, highlights 1
Same as Haku, highlights 2
Hightlights 3.
All numbered 19
I'm a visual person, so I'm making up a graph to make this all a bit easier.
Here is the current version of it. Let me know things to add!
If there is anything I have missed, feel free to supplement!