Application for Severus Snape @ 12 Grimmauld Place

Oct 24, 2008 18:42

All about you
OOC/Contact info about you, the Muggle. Please fill this out even if you've got another character in the game.
Your REAL Name: Alex
Email address:
AIM/Yahoo!/MSN (specify): Maxine Valera/
Birthday/age: 21- September 13
Location/Time zone: Australia GMT+10

Your alter-ego
Third person
Character: Severus Tobias Snape
Hometown:  London
Birthdate: January 9 1960
Hogwarts House/Year: Slytherin 1971-1977
Bloodline: Halfblood
Occupation: Potions Master, Potions Professor, Head of Slytherin, Death Eater, Order of the Phoenix member
Loyalties: Order of the Phoenix- previously was the Death Eaters
Sexual orientation*:  Straight
Journal: So we can add you on acceptance

Personality: While Severus has a few friends he is more of a solitary person than a people-person which may stem from being neglected by his parents as he was growing up. He is an overall snarky person who enjoys insulting people by using sarcasm rather than outright insults. This means that the majority of people view him as snarky and unapproachable which he doesn't mind at all though he would prefer to have a few true friends. He is a secretive person who doesn't open up to people easily and would prefer to work on his own. Snape is very methodical and always gets things done if he wants them done and does them his own way. He rarely, if ever asks for help from other people viewing it as a weakness though deep inside he desires to be loved and cared for.

Physical Description: While Severus has pale skin and has shoulder lenghth black hair it is rather greasy and he looks a bit like a Vampire though he is fully human. His fingers are long and thin giving him the precision required for delicate potions brewing. His nose is large and prominant and looks like it has been broken numerous times- probably from fighting with Potter and Black too many times. His eyes are a deep black colour which look like endless tunnels due to the coldness of them. He is also rather skinny due to the neglect he experienced as a child though he is reasonably tall for his age but that could be the result of nutrient potions he has taken on and off during his years at Hogwarts.
PB**: Adrien Brody-

First person
Please complete this in-character and honestly, as if your character has taken Veritaserum
Describe yourself in one word: Multi-layered
How would your muggle describe you in one word? Goth like
How would your muggle describe you in a 10-word sentence? A snarky person who looks like he needs a bath

Five things you love
1. Potions- helps me relax and I enjoy finding new potions that will help the Wizarding World
2. Dark Arts- Makes me feel powerful and made me accepted while I was a student
3. Lily Evans- my ex-best friend and the person who didn't judge me based upon my looks. The only person I considered a true friend
4. Black- makes me look intimidating and makes people fear me
5. Sarcasm- makes people quell in front of me and makes me l
Five things you hate
1. Gryffindors- they think they are always right and everyone else is wrong. They don't see tht everything isn't black and white but shades of Grey and they are the ones that bring about the useless prejudices
2. Voldemort- He tortures people for the fun of it after luring people to join him with promises of power and forbidden knowledge
3. Bullies- Anyone who picks on people for the fun of it must have something wrong with them
4. Sherbet Lemons- disgustingly sweet and full of sugar. I'm also allergic to them. Poor Albus- not.
5. Useless Prejudices- People who discriminate people and animals just because they don't understand them is stupid. Everyone is equal and deserves to be treated as such
Five things about you that no one else knows and explain:
1. I used to love Lily Evans even though she was a muggleborn and I was expected be marry  prestigeous Pureblood
2. I used abused by my father as a child and therefore have always detested other people touching me
3. I used to play the violin and clarinet as a child and sometimes still do to relax after a stressful day
4. I think of Albus Dumbledore as a father figure. He resuced me from myself and the Death Eaters after I realised that joining them was a stupid thing. Slowly he became a sort of father figure to me
5. I still have a toy bear that my mother gave me as a child. Even though it is totally worn through it is the only thing I have to remind myself of my mother's love for me
Strengths: Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Dark Arts, sarcasm, keeping secrets, occlumency, legilimency,
Weaknesses: Opening up to people, divination, people-skills, herbology (surprisingly enough considering his skill with potions)

History: Severus was an only child and was born on January 9th 1960 to pureblood witch Eileen Prince and Tobias Snape a muggle. He grew up in Spinner’s End in the northern Industrial part of England where he didn’t have the best of childhoods. While Severus was growing up his father drank a lot and took out his anger on his wife while ignoring and occasionally hitting his son. While Severus loved his mother he thought she was weak for not standing up to his father’s abuse as she was a witch and therefore could have used magic on him though she tried to tutor him in magic whenever she could. As he was growing up Severus took a dangerous fascination with potions as well as the Dark Arts which also steemed from his mother as she was part of an ancient Dark family.

When he was nine he met Lily Evans and her sister Petunia in the local park where Lily was performing magic. Severus was immediately besotted with the young Lily who he introduced to the idea that magic was real. They quickly became the best of friends causing Petunia to become quite jealous as she had always wanted a true friend apart from her sister as well as loving the idea that magic was real.

When they went to Hogwarts they were sorted into the two rival houses- Severus in Slytherin and Lily in Gryffindor which put a strain on their friendship as their other friends didn't understand their friendship but yet they still remained best friends. Their friendship came to an end when Severus called Lily a mudblood after he was accosted by the Gryffindor males in their year and she tried to help him. Lily also didn't approve of his and his friends growing fascination with the dark.

Throughout his years at Hogwarts he was always a bit of a loner despite his few friends. He excelled in potions and was quickly proclaimed to be one of the best potions makers ever. Nearly straight away he became enemies with Black, Potter and their group of friends but mainly those two. This resulted in from the fact that they were both attracted to Lily who wouldn't give James the time of day as well as Severus's fascination with the dark which Potter was strongly against. Their petty pranks and teasing turned slowly into full out bullying on the Gryffindor's part which made Severus hate them even more. They could get away with anything while blame was always directed towards himself as he was a 'slimy snake' like Potter and his friends would call him. In revenge Severus was always trying to find ways to get them expelled. This war between the three of them grew until Snape got too curious as to where Lupin went during the full moon and Black told him how to get to the Shrieking Shack. If Potter hadn't realised in time what his friend had done Severus would have died. This fueled Severus's hatred of them even more and he truly began to hate Lupin at that point as before he only annoyed him as he wasn't directly involved in the bullying of him.

During his last two years at Hogwarts Severus invovled himself deeper and deeper with his Slytherin friends and the dark arts before joining Voldemort as one of his death eaters after what he considered Lily's greatest betrayal- she married Potter just after they left Hogwarts even though Severus was still in love with her. Another thing that turned him to join the death eaters was his father's murder of his wife, Eileen during Severus's seventh year in one of his drunken rages. Severus killed his father when he joined the death eaters as a test to prove his loyalty to the cause. Not long after he graduated from Hogwarts he gained his mastery in Potions become the youngest ever to do so.

On Voldemort's order, in the summer of 1980, Severus was to apply for a position at Hogwarts so hewent to the Hogs Heads to find out Dumbledore's style of interviewing and was an unwilling observant to the prophecy made by Trewalney predicting his lords downfall. Before he could hear the whole prophecy Aberfoth Dumbledore, the barman for the inn, discovered him and threw him out. He then went and reported what he had over heard to his lord.

When his lord decided that out of the two boys who were born at the end of July, Lily's son was the biggest threat Severus panicked and went to Dumbledore admitting everything that he had done and asking that he protect Lily and her family. He couldn't bear to have Lily's death on his conscious even though they weren't talking. Not only did Dumbledore grant that wish he offered Severus a position at Hogwarts as the Potions Master if Severus was willing to spy for him on Voldemort. Severus agreed to this as he knew it was the only way Lily would be protected. He spied for a year before Voldemort was felled by baby Harry but he continued to teach at Hogwarts despite that.

Over the next ten years he taught at Hogwarts before his childhood's friend, son, Harry started as a first year. Severus automatically assumed that he was a carbon copy of his father and took an instant disklike to him even though on many occasions he saved young Harry's life. This was only due to his promise to Lily that he would protect her son. Lily managed to extract this from him not long before she died even though they were no longer friends.

Show us your stuff!

The end!
Email it off to when you’re done. Thanks for your interest in 12 Grimmauld Place! We’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible (3-5 days tops. We’re busy people with lives too!)

character: severus snape, game: 12 grimmauld place, application: pending

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