backstory and character info

Feb 11, 2007 06:33

Please to be backstorying with Ailwin in the comments! :D

Player Information
Name: Lena
LJ Username: lenabee
Contact Info:
AIM - heylenabee
email -

Character Information
Name: Ailwin Ian Herlewin
LJ Username: ailwinthehot (hee!)
House: former nerd Claw
Year: N/A - Professor of Ancient Runes, please
Age: 40
Birthdate: Jan 25
Zodiac Sign / Description: Aquarius
Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the "real world," over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.

The stereotypical geeks of the magical world, Ravenclaw Aquarians are noted mostly for their genius. They are gifted theorists and inventors, and highly talented students. Most wind up doing pure research after graduating from Hogwarts. Their noses are always in books of esoteric lore. Some people may laugh at them, either for their unconventional lifestyles or (more commonly) because they are obvious nerds, but they don't care. While they can have sharp tempers, especially when they encounter ignorance or stupidity, these wizards generally mean well, and have a "live and let live" philosophy. Their wit is legendary; not everybody gets the Ravenclaw Aquarian's jokes, but those who are subtle and intelligent enough find conversation with an Aquarian Ravenclaw to be quite funny, in a satirical and ironic and irreverent sort of way.

Bloodline: Halfblood
Heritage: Scottish
Mother: Hamond Herlewin, 59, Schoolteacher
Father: Sybil Herlewin, 62, Cursebreaker
Guardian: N/A
Siblings: None.

Personal History:
Ailwin was born forty years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland where he enjoyed a relatively normal childhood. Ailwin's homelife as a child was peaceful. His parents were middle class, his dad was a wizard who worked for Gringotts as a curse breaker and his mum was a muggle who spoiled Ailwin rotten whenever she could. He was both muggle and wizarding cultures pretty equally, never even realizing that this wasn't how every child grew up until he was old enough to attend school and meet other children his age.

Ailwin was always an exceptionally bright child. As a half-blood, he was exposed to Muggle culture. He used to watch the foreign language channels on the television and he picked up how to speak Spanish and French from those stations by the time he was 8. He was given the works of Tolkein by a Muggle relative when he was 10 and took it upon himself to learn to speak Tolkein-Elvish after reading the books. From there, he also picked up Scottish Gaelic - spoken natively by his maternal grandparents.

His love for languages naturally translated itself to rune interpretation and he fell in love with the subject almost the first day he ever touched an Ancient Runes text. After all, runic tablets predated any other known language and, in fact, formed the root of language. Ailwin was fascinated. He had a somewhat linked interest in History and Divination, too, though he didn't do as well in those classes as he did with Runes or Charms.

After leaving Hogwarts, Ailwin played pro-quidditch for a few years before leaving his team to pursue his first love again - the study of runes and history. He teamed up with a muggle archaeologist and they started to go on digs together, unearthing artifacts and old runic tablets and learning what they could from them. This lasted until about 7 years ago when Ailwin's partner was killed in at accident at a routine dig. Ailwin carries the guilt of that day around with him still and hasn't been to a dig site since.

It didn't help that an old girlfriend (who was also a close friend), was murdered by Death Eaters within months of this all happening.

Ailwin sought out the safety of Hogwarts after all of this, the one place he thought he could feel safe and where he could hide from what had happened to his partner. He applied for and easily got the post of Ancient Runes professor at Hogwarts at the age of 33 and that is where he has been ever since.

Personality: Ailwin has always been a bright and friendly man, but he's also always been a bit reserved. This might seem like a bit of a contradiction, but it isn't really. He has plenty of acquaintances, but very few close friends. Those he IS close to tend to be the people he's know since he was a boy at school.

To the casual observer, Ailwin appears reserved and cautious, thoughtful and analytical. And he is those things, but he's also the first to say hello to someone, whether he knows them or not. He's independent in the sense that he doesn't easily form attachments to people, due to things that have happened in his past, but he's perfectly friendly on the surface.

Ailwin has a bit of a quirky sense of humor. He's not afraid to make jokes or show his amusement at a situation and even though he takes his work seriously, he definitely has a playful side. Case in point? Giving a boy the thumbs up when he caught him and his girlfriend snogging in the halls, rather than scolding them or giving them detention. totes someone else's bad influence on him :P

Physical Description: He stands about 6'0, about average build and he wears his brown hair relatively short. He generally has a bit of stubble, though occasionally he'll shave himself clean and he has bright, clear blue eyes.

Ailwin's style of dress is as casual and laid-back as the man himself. His prefers dark and neutral colours and if he's not in his wazarding robes, he can most often be found in a pair of denim jeans or casual trousers and a sweater or t-shirt, depending on the weather. He doesn't smile often outside of the company of good friends, but when he does, it's a broad grin that reaches his eyes. There's no question by looking that his smile is genuine.

Preferred Body Model: Ewan so fucking hot McGregor

Hobbies and talents:
Ailwin is an expert flier, as evidenced by his short stint at professional quidditch and 4 years on the Ravenclaw quidditch team before that. He has a gift for languages and translations, speaking more languages than most normal people and have a near obsessive love of learning about ancient cultures.

Ailwin's tendency to emotionally close himself off to people these days if one of his strongest weaknesses, because he has a tendency to push people away and not let them know how he feels about them. Even with his best friend, he doesn't really vocalize his feelings, even though it's an understood thing between them. He wasn't always this way, but losing a few people that he really cared about has made him reluctant to let himself get too close to anyone else.

His stubborn and independent nature could easily get him into trouble, because he's the last person to ask for help when he needs it and he's far too stubborn to ever admit when he is wrong. He's almost a Gryffindor that way, because he's likely to go into a dangerous situation without telling anyone rather than admit that he could use some assistance.

Best subjects: Ancient Runes & Charms
Worst subjects: Potions & Transfig

Broom: Nimbus 2000, from his Pro Quidditch Days
Wand: 13" Cyrpress with a Phoenix feather core

List of classes for current year:
N/A :P

Magical Stuffs
Patronus (for fifth years and older): Ha. I don't think he's ever cast a successful one. However, if he did, it would be a Jackal.

Jackal - Associated with Anubis, the god of embalming and mummification, who was depicted as a black colored jackal (or dog) or a man with the head of a black jackal or dog. One of the four sons of Horus, Duamutef, was a jackal headed god who guarded the canopic jar that held the stomach. The other jackal god was Wepwawet, the Opener of the Ways, who performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony on the pharaoh so he would be able to speak in the afterlife. There was also a jackal god named Sed (after whom the 'sed festival' or royal jubilee' was named) who was closely linked to Wepwawet. The jackal was thought to be a guide to the newly dead because they were often seen around the desert and mountains where the tombs were usually built.

In ancient Egyptian culture, the jackal was considered a protector of royal tombs from robbers and helped in the afterlife journey.

What would your character smell if they sniffed Amortentia (the love potion)? That musty smell inside an old tomb or pyramid.
Do you think your character is capable of successfully employing a Cruiciatus Curse? Why or why not?
I don't think Ailwin is quite capable of getting that angry in any situation.
Describe how your character would react, in the form of a sample RP, if faced with a Dementor.
Ailwin had spent most of his life avoiding situations like this, running from both sides of this ridiculous war. It seemed it was finally catching up with him, though, and he was at a complete loss.

He couldn't outrun this, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how quick years of Quidditch and other sports made him. He tried, but the bad memories, the feelings of despair and loneliness and fear just ate away at him now. Everything he'd been running from since coming back to Hogwarts 7 years ago came crashing down around him and he only found himself wishing for an end to this.

It didn't come, not yet, but he knew it would soon as he turned to face the creature he'd been trying desperately to outrun, backing into a wall as he raised his wand and tried desperately to think of something, anything happy.

Alignment: Neutral, but with leans toward Dumbledore. He feels it's somehow safer to not openly choose a side or fight in the war, but if forced to choose a side, he'd go with the good guys.

Requests: Formerly a player on the Ravenclaw team (captain, too) and he went on to play Pro Quidditch after school, though that didn't last very long before his geekier nature took over.

Players: Please leave your comments here! Be sure to list reasons for objections, and don't forget to separately approve or reject any special requests! Thank you!

ooc, timeline, application. backstory

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