Wednesday morning

Jan 11, 2012 09:37

And it's been ages since I last posted. I think if I did the first sentence of the first post of each month meme for 2011, there'd be a couple of months of "...".

But anyway, it's a beautiful day. David & I are both up, dressed, and breakfasted (scrambled eggs and decaf coffee), and he's off to school. I've got the dishwasher running and the table cleared and I'm about to go upstairs and grab the laundry for today's load. I ran the Roomba on the middle floor last night, as as soon as I am done with this, I shall go get it, empty its bin, and run it down here. Then with laundry laundering and Roomba running, I shall be done with the basement for a while.

The house is fairly tidy these days. I feel like I can actually devote energy to something else now, like maybe re-acquiring a social life. I'm looking at my shul's list of committees with an eye to joining one (maybe Adult Ed?), and I want to start attending choir practice again (4 PM on Sundays). I might or might not go to Arisia, waffling on that. I think I might step back and let Adam attend the weekend portion and I'll take his membership and go in on Monday. I am planning on starting to go to OA again, though, starting with tomorrow's meeting in Weymouth.

Once I've got the basement dealt with, I think I will dig out my embroidery supplies and work on something. The only housekeeping things on my to do list for today are finding and dealing with the last of the wrapping paper from Chanukah and cleaning out the fridge, so I definitely have time to play with colors for a while.


And the laundry is gathered and going, so now all I need to do is hit "Post" (and synch my iPhone), grab the Roomba and I'm done for a bit. I figure I'll clean out the fridge just before lunchtime, since I have to go in there to get food anyway. Later all.

partly cloudy, 70%+ humidity, 30+ degrees, housework

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