OK. I took David to the optometrist and back, we've been home for half an hour, and all I've done is change into work clothes, drink coffee, and ponder my to do list. It isn't that bad, really it isn't. I just seem to be down with a severe case of inertia.
I need to:
1. Feed David lunch
2. Fold & put away laundry
3. Remake bed
4. Pack for weekend
5. Clean out & pack car
6. Change catboxes
7. Take out trash
8. Put out food & water for cats & chickens
David's prescription hasn't changed anything like as much as I expected. The doctor suggested that the reason he can't see very well is the fact that his glasses are really beat up, but he's actually gotten less nearsighted. His new glasses are now on order and should be in next week.
Summer school starts right off on Monday. Blah. Usually they let us have a werk off. And this year it's only half days - which at least means I'll finally be able to sigm him up for swimming lessons.
And in other news, we haven't seen Shadow in over a week. I'm still hoping he will come back, but I am becoming more convinced that he won't. I do still plan to go door to door and ask, but I am not optimistic.
But anyway, we need to be on the road by 24:30, so I'd better get going.
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