Monday afternoon

May 23, 2011 13:53

Slight change of plan. I have now been to West Roxbury and back to pick up mt replacement Adderall prescription and have acquired a too-much-caffeine headache.
  1. Unload dishwasher, put away clean dishes, reload, run - Not enough dirty dishes
  2. Put away laundry - Started, not finished
  3. Drop everything to pick up Adderall prescription
  4. Gather up dirty laundry (incl. stripping bed) & launder
  5. Change catboxes
  6. Gather up misc tools and take out to garage
  7. Make kichari and cole slaw for lunch - I grabbed a bagel while I was out, so this can be dinner instead
  8. Eat and regroup
New list:
  1. Put up feet while laundry is laundering; make tea
  2. Refill washing machine as necessary
  3. Get David from bus
  4. Take prescription to CVS
  5. Take misc tools to garage
  6. Take recycling to recycling bin
  7. Change catboxes & take out trash
  8. Shelve books
  9. Make kichari and cole slaw for supper
  10. Divide time before supper between lazing about and tidying up
David will be home in roughly an hour and fifteen minutes, so now to get on with some serious resting and tea drinking.

[16:03] Been & gone, now to deal with tidying.

lists, 90%+ humidity, kvetching, overcast, housework, 50+ degrees

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