Friday morning

Apr 08, 2011 09:07

I hope this post goes out as it should.

Today is Erev Shabbos, and also Erev Merry Maids. They're coming between 8:30 and 9:30 tomorrow morning, and I need to be ready. I'm pretty sure I can do it, but it's going to be a busy day, especially since I also need to do my usual Shabbos prep.

So far I'm up, dressed, medicated, and I've had breakfast. The dishwasher is running empty and David is off to school. Dinner is going to be fish sticks, basmati rice, chocolate cake, and crudités for David and curried veggies for me (a fresh batch, I finished Monday's days ago). No idea on lunch, possibly just leftovers. Out of that, the fish sticks and the rice can wait until much closer to time, but I shall make the cake straight away. Then I can load up the dishwasher with pareve dishes and get them out of the way.

For cleaner prep, I want to finish mopping & sealing the floors (yes, I know they're cleaners, but they charge by the hour) and I have to finish decluttering. Not a lot to be done to do either bathroom, although I do need to change the litterboxes, so I should do those first. The living room needs to be swept and straightened, the dining room has kipple on all surfaces (that's what they're for, right?), in my bedroom I need to deal with laundry, some random, and remaking the bed, ditto for David's room, with a heck of a lot more random, mainly toys. The office needs sweeping and I need to take out that last filing cabinet, and the library needs the last of the kipple dealt with (I got that mostly finished yesterday). And I need to feed the chickens, cats, and dogs.

So (formatting is a pain on the iPhone; if I have time, I'll spiff this up later):
  1. Tidy upstairs bathroom, strip David's bed - and remake
  2. Bake cake
  3. Load dishwasher and wash pareve dishes in sink
  4. Sweep living room and toss couch cover into laundry, start load of laundry, take out load of laundry and start next load
  5. Take care of remaining random in library
  6. Clean downstairs bathroom and litterboxes (incl. mopping) and feed all critters
  7. Put away laundry
  8. Hang out fresh laundry and bring in & put away yesterday's
  9. Deal with other kipple in bedroom and office
  10. Take filing cabinet out to curb
  11. Break for lunch

That should keep me occupied, especially if I knock down cobwebs in each room while I'm there.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
[10:00 update] Bathroom and David's bedroom done for the moment (will deal with all the toys later), now for that cake. [12:00 update] Cake, dishes, sweeping, laundry, plus a bit of random that was in the way of the other things I was doing. Now I get to deal with the library some more, but I am going to drink some coffee and take a fifteen minute break first. I've been working for three hours, I figure I deserve it. I probably won't get through the entire list before I need lunch, though, considering the time now. Maybe break now, then bathroom and litterboxes, then lunch after throughly scrubbing my hands, then I can deal with the kipple and laundry afterwards. That's the biggest job of the day anyway, honestly.

30+ degrees, housework, via ljapp

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