OK, I've made a start...
- Shower & dress
- Load & run dishwasher
- Make coffee
- Start laundry laundering
- Eat breakfast/Feed David lunch
- Take out recycling & trash
- Wipe down stove top and counters - Stove partially done
- Run dishwasher empty
- Start more laundry
- Organize my craft supplies
- Run dishwasher w/pareve stuff
- Tidy David's room
- Do something fun with David
- Clean fridge
- Scrub floor
- Knock down cobwebs
- Dust
- Take laundry to laundromat
- Make dinner
I'll deal with the dining room and windowsills tomorrow. It's already 1400 and the laundry is a lot more pressing. I just hope I get the kitchen done before I pumpkin.
And back to work. Later all.