
Dec 09, 2010 11:03

Yesterday was Adam's birthday. David's was the day before. Last night was the last lighting of the menorah until next year. Today I take David out to spend his birthday money, and then the holidays are over. Whee!

Well, OK, we are getting together with my family on the 26th and Adam's family over the next few days after that, but that's much less stressful, as it's not happening here and the most energetic thing I have to do for it is help with the driving.

But anyway. I'm off to a slow start today, but I do have a pot of coffee brewing. First thing I need to do, other than drinking the coffee, is put the gumdrops away before I eat them all. Gumdrops are great for cake decorating - you just roll them flat in a bed of sugar (you have to keep flipping the gumdrop over in the sugar as it gets flatter so that it will stay sugar-coated and not stick to you rolling pin) and cut them into shapes. They make really pretty tiny roses, but this time I just cut out individual flower petals and made black-eyed susans for Adam's birthday cake (with raisins for the centers).


And there, I have my coffee. Life is good. It's almost 11:00, though, so what do I want to do with myself?

  • 11:00 - 13:00
    1. Start turkey stock cooking
    2. Start new load of laundry, take down & fold dry laundry, hang wet laundry
    3. Feed & water chickens
    4. Put away clean dishes
    5. Wash pareve dishes
    6. Wash fleishig dishes
  • 13:00 - 13:30 . Lunch
  • 13:30 - 15:30
    1. Hang out next load of laundry
    2. Make mocha fluff for Shabbos dessert
    3. Wash dairy dishes
    4. Put away clean dishes
    5. Clear & wipe down counters & stove
    6. Get David from bus
  • 15:30 - 17:30
    1. Take David out to spend birthday money
    2. Make dinner
    3. Give David bath and tidy bathroom while dinner is cooking
That's only a six hour day, but it will do anyway.


Twenty-some degrees out. Brr. We need some snow.

[12:25 update] Eh, it's a start. Now I go outdoors. Brrrrrrr.

lists, dragons, sunny, housework, 40%+ humidity, barometer steady, 20+ degrees, holidays

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