Coffee is good

Dec 06, 2010 11:25

It's a Monday morning. All the grousing and kvetching I could do right now would all boil down to that, so feel free to fill in all your standard Monday morning complaints, and I probably agree with them. I've packed David off to school, eaten breakfast, fed the dogs & cats, made coffee, and started a load of laundry, and now my systems are down until the coffee is actually brewed and I have drank? drunk? consumed it.


And now I have my coffee, so life is somewhat improved. Still grumpy and tired of being a grownup (although honestly I can't think of another life stage that I'd really prefer except maybe "college student in September"), but the coffee is already helping there. Warrrrrrmmmmm.... *purrrrr*

OK, so, today. Tomorrow is David's birthday, as well as Therapy Day, and then Wednesday is Adam's birthday. I have a little cash left in my account, and I am going shopping today, darn it. OK, more than a little, but not quite a lot. I'm budgeting $25 apiece and seeing where that gets me. I think I'll head to the Toys R Us in Brockton and see what else I find while I'm out. It's in a Mall Plaza, so there ought to be other interesting shops. Favorite would be a good used book store, but I don't know where to find one of those without going into Boston/Cambridge/Somerville. Ah, Google is my friend. this place sounds good, and makes a halfway decent triangle trip. So, I finish my coffee, change into a slightly more presentable shirt, put out dogs, feed chickens, hang out laundry, and go. This should be fun.

Urgh. Now I definitely need to change my shirt, as chugging my coffee I dumped some of it down my cleavage. Oh well. My driving directions are printed out (yes, I have a GPS, but backup is nice when I'm not sure where I'm going.


Later all!

wanderings, dragons, barometer falling, 40%+ humidity, partly cloudy, 30+ degrees

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