Monday, Monday...

Nov 01, 2010 09:46

Adam is working from home today. He's in serious pain from his shoulder and has gotten very little sleep over the weekend, so he's going to be attempting a nap later and it shall be my honor to keep everyone & everything quiet. No, I don't mind at all. He's always great about letting me nap, now it's his turn.

Today I am going to clean the refrigerator and switch from summer to winter clothes. We had our first hard frost last night, it's November now, it's time. I think I'll do the wardrobe switch first, cos I can clean the fridge while Adam is asleep.

David and I had a great day yesterday, btw. I got some laundry done and hung out while he was watching morning TV, then we went to the Ames St. playground until lunch, and then after lunch we went to Nantasket to enjoy being by the ocean for a while, and then to the South Shore Plaza to hang out at the Lego store and have a dish of ice cream and Emack & Bolio's. We don't celebrate Halloween, but David got to admire a lot of costumes while we were at the mall, and he got ice cream, so life is good.

So, this morning...
  1. Put away clean laundry
  2. Get out winter clothes boxes
  3. Put away summer clothes in boxes and winter clothes on shelves & in drawers
  4. Put boxes back
  5. Go to Lunch & Learn
  6. Come home & wash dishes while waiting for David to come home
  7. Get David from bus
  8. Make popcorn
  9. Clean out fridge
  10. Make dinner
  11. Give David a bath
  12. Call it a day
That should do.


Anybody feeling clicky? These guys need clicks.

And now to work. Later all.

lists, dragons, sunny, housework, wanderings, 60%+ humidity, barometer steady, 30+ degrees

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