Definitely not as productive as yesterday:
- Pay bills
- Start next load of laundry
- Take down dry laundry, hang out wet laundry
- Pick up piled papers from floor, take all recyclables to bin
- Start pots of dal and rice
- Wash dishes in dishpan, put more to soak - Working on it
- Empty & reload dishwasher
- Clean room
- Eat lunch
- Clean room some more
So now I need to finish up those dishes and do at least a little work on my room before lunch. I was planning on heading outdoors at around quarter to three to hang laundry and deal with more weeds while waiting for David, so that doesn't leave me a lot of room-cleaning time. And I promised David when he got home we'd work on his room. Of course, it's possible we could finish up with his quickly so I can still get some work done on mine.
And now back to work.