*whew* I still need to scrub out the cooler, but I'm mostly done... or I thought I was.
- EAT!
- Feed chickens and take old veggies out to chickens or mulch pile
- Start GF bread rising
- Finish packing camping things and put trunk plus overflow in car
- Bake bread
- Wash up any fleishig dishes that didn't come clean, put away all clean dishes, run dishwasher empty
- Scrub kitchen sinks
- Clear table
- Take out trash
- Gather up food for trip
- Make sure cooler is clean - Working on it
- Break for supper
Blah. It felt like more work before I compared it to the list. Finding everything and getting it into the car neatly and organizedly was work, even if I didn't make it through the list.
So, now...
- Tonight:
- Finish scrubbing cooler and put upside-down to dry
- Sort through veggies
- Sleep
- Tomorrow morning:
- Pack meds & toothbrushes
- Shower
- Pack food:
- Beef
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Hot dogs
- Jam
- Ketchup/mustard/relish
- Soymilk
- Eggs
- Tortillas
- Guac
- Cheese
- Nuts
- Raisins
- Rice cakes
- Potatoes
- Pack CPAP & battery, camera, phone chargers, dog food, dog dishes, water
- Put down lots of food & water for cats & chickens
- Pick up groceries on the way out:
- Chex
- Challah
- Grape juice
- Baked beans
And now for that cooler, and veggies, and sleep.