I'm awake. I've taken care of David and the cats and the dogs and I have a mug of herbal tea and I don't wanna be awake. Group was last night, and Adam had a late conference call, so I took the train home and didn't get in until 11:30 and for various & sundry stupid reasons couldn't get to sleep until around two. Neither Adam nor I set our alarms today, though, so we slept in and I got good cuddles, and that makes everything better.
And Adam has just left for work. He'll be working late due to such a late start, so it'll just be me & David for dinner. I think I'll have a go at that lettuce soup recipe Adam forwarded me.
Baby dragons:
I'm feeling a great desire to spend money today. Holding my breath until it goes away woudl be somewhat unhealthy, but I am trying to restrain myself. So far I've already thought of wanting albums from the iTunes store, books from half.com, and craft supplies from Joanne's. I also want to spend money on some hardware, but that requires a trip to a hardware store, so that has to wait. That might be why I want the online shopping spree, though, because I really want to go to the hardware store to but parts for the creative idea I have, but I can't get there.
And it's hot today. I need to do some cleaning of the kitchen and I need to get that strawberry jam made, but what I want to do is huddle down here in the basement by the fan and wait for September to roll around. We always seem to have the best weather when someone else is having a hurricane.
Heat and tiredness is not a great combination for trying to get things done. I am going to go build with Legos with David now.
Surrendered to desire for new music. Playing now.