The sinks are kashered, the counters are kashered or covered, the last two burners on the stove are kashering themselves. Candlelighting is 6:59, and the turkey will be wanted an hour after that at the earliest. It's 1:15 now. What remains to be done? Well, all the cooking, definitely. Heck, I don't even know what I'm going to cook, other than turkey and fan potatoes and baby new potatoes and hardboiled eggs. (First Pesach with eggs from my own chickens!) Charoset doesn't require cooking, but it does require apples and honey, nether of which we have. A last grocery trip is obviously required (especially since Adam has no diet kasher l'Pesach Coke).
- Sweep
- Mop:
- Put away the remaining kitniyos
- Change both litterboxes
- Scrub bathrooms
- Take out trash
- Cut turkey in half, cook half tonight, save the other half for the second seder
- Clean out vacuum cleaner - Delegate to Kathy
- Vacuum - Ditto
- Tape cupboards
- Finish unpacking Pesach dishes
- Cook/prepare:
- Turkey
- Crudites
- Parsley new potatoes
- Hardboiled eggs (x8)
- Charoset
- Horseradish
- Matzoball soup (second night)
- Dessert (Cake, I think)
- Quinoa pilaf
- Gravy
- Cranberry sauce
- Make eruv tavshilin
- Shower before candlelighting (well before so no rush)
- Light at 6:59
I think that's it. I hope that's it. Braaaaains....