Ugh. Today's list is not going so well.
- Scrub and cover half of fridge - The shelves from that side of the fridge are sitting in the sink
- Put turkey in fridge to start defrosting - It's on the counter
- Move kitniyos to empty spots on shelves in basement and tape off - Working on it
- Find plastic for covering counters and table - Nope, going to have to use tinfoil
- Kasher microwave - Just realized I need to scrub it today and kasher it tomorrow
- Mop basement floor - Procrastinating
- Clean and cover fleishig counter
- Eat up leftovers - Working on it; wondering if it would be awful of me to serve the remains to the dogs
- Buy Kathy's train ticket - Procrastinating
- Clean out the inside of the vacuum cleaner - Procrastinating
- Vacuum rugs
And I need to get the dairy dishes washed up before I can do much with counters because they're in the way. The fleishig counter isn't really fleishig anyway, more like they're all treif, just it has a "fleishig" sticker on it.
And my Prozac prescription has run out, and it takes the doctor's office 72 hours to do anything about prescription refills, so I won't get mine until after Shabbos.
Oh well. Dishes. Must wash dishes. The sinks have to have been unused for 24 hours before they can be kashered. How the heck I am supposed to manage that, I don't know.
[18:20 update] OK, I have Kathy's ticket bought at least. I'm going to go clear that counter now, so I'll have something to show for my day when Adam gets home.