My left wrist hurts enough that I iced it and took pain meds. I've still got the squishy high-tech pseudo-icepad wrapped around it with one of Kathy's old headbands, even though it's warmed up enough that I don't need the quilted placemat I was using to insulate it anymore. (I can stick my hands into boiling water briefly, but I can't deal with cold stuff.) I've started a load of laundry despite the fact that's there are supposed to be thunderstorms this afternoon, possibly bad ones, because I'm desperate for pants and socks. I'm not putting the chicks out today because of said thunderstorms, though. The last thing I want to be doing while a bad storm is rolling in is making eleven trips back & forth to the house bringing in chicks who don't want to go in yet because it isn't dark yet.
The middle floor is a worse wreck than usual, which is annoying because before Shabbos I actually had it cleaner than usual. But bringing home a used gas stove and putting it in the middle of the floor, and then bringing home lumber and leaning it up against the gas stove certainly didn't help.
There's not much I can do about the gas stove at the moment except scrub its outside and put its top back on, but I can at least deal with the lumber, and with the cruft that's gravitated to it.
But before I go into to do lists, I want to talk about last night's dinner. We're members of our local CSA, and it's now strawberry season. We brought home six quarts of strawberries last night. We had some whipping cream sitting around, so I made strawberry fool (just diced strawberries folded into sweetened whipped cream), and then had it on top of toasted leftover waffles. Heavenly. Adam put butter and strawberry fool on his waffles, I had maple syrup as well. Remembering it makes me all mellow all over again. We are going to do that again later in the week, only this time with fresh waffles. And since Adam grinds a new batch of his preferred flour mixture roughly once a month, fresh waffles around here are very fresh indeed.
Hmm. Adam grinds the flour from grain we have stored, we get eggs from Codman Farm, I really need to find a local source for milk. Anybody know anybody? (And while I'm on the "Anybody know anybody?" track, anybody know anybody who can rip LPs to mp3s?)
So, today...
- Bring the feeder in to the chicks since they aren't going out to the feeder
- Pick up random from floor in the vicinity of the entryway
- Ditto for the area around the TV
- Clear the table
- Clean rice cooker and start new batch of rice
- Put away all lumber
- Start next load of laundry
- Hang out first load of laundry
- Scrub old stove
- Scrub new stove and reassemble
- Break for lunch
- Regroup
After lunch I will be making and canning strawberry jam. Pity we can't just install the gas stove ourselves, so I could can the jam right in the kitchen, but Adam doesn't feel comfortable doing that, so it has to wait for a plumber. (Meaning I also need to find a decent place for the new stove to hang out for a while, and that canning will take place on the grill outside.)
Oh well, the chicks are waiting for me, and probably not patiently. Later all.