Trudge, trudge

Feb 10, 2008 13:23

I've had breakfast (I was up for three hours before feeling the need for it), I got David clothes (he dressed himself) and fixed him brunch, I started as load of laundry, and I rescued Miss Evil from the top of the furnace, which I know she could get down from in time, but she was certain that she needed rescuing Right! Now! So now I am sitting and waiting for my spoons to regenerate.

Adam is asleep. I don't begrudge him, cos he let me sleep in until 10:30 (I was up at 6 yesterday). I feel like I'm asleep with my eyes open, though. I can't spend the whole day with my feet up, though, because stuff has to get done. Before I go to bed tonight, I will load & run the dishwasher at least once, hang up the laundry that is laundering now, work with David to pick up the toys & stuff he has scattered all over the living room, and fix something for dinner.


And now it's half an hour later. David came up and insisted that I come down with him, so we cleared the table and put a fresh table cloth on it, unloaded the dishwasher, refilled it, ran it, mostly cleared the fleishig counter, fed the dog, and gathered up all the pareve dishes. I think I am going to curl up with some crayons and my altair designs coloring book for a while now.

I think now is a good time to be judicious as to what I add back into my diet. Nothing but whole foods this week (after I finish my bottle of electrolyte-replacing stuff, that is).

Oh, I just looked at my horoscope and got a giggle from it:
Scorpio - Sunday February 10, 2008

You might really feel like doing your own thing today. But whether or not you feel like dealing with it, there's bound to be plenty of work or other responsibilities for you to have to tend to right now. Just realize that it won't do you any good to spend your time resenting your obligations today.

80%+ humidity, attempting wellness, barometer falling, overcast, sick, gusts to 20+ mph, 30+ degrees, wind 10+ mph

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