Cats again

Oct 08, 2007 18:14

I just want to say that, for all the worrying I did about cats earlier, Samantha, LittleKitty and Tigger were all curled up asleep near each other in my office just now. Tigger woke up and growled at LittleKitty (and I still think she would have settled in here just fine if he hadn't started the tension by yowling at her that first night), but I told him to cut it out, and he went back to sleep.

... and she just crapped on David's bed, which I had just made up fresh yesterday. So I just stripped David's bed and sprayed it with Febreeze (I'll do the enzymes later), and since it had only just happened, nothing had soaked through to the mattress.

Kathy might be willing to take her in. She misses having a cat around to cuddle, and Pye, James' cat, is a strongly dominant cat and is unlikely to put up with her nonsense. That might be more like what she's used to. I hope. And when I told Kathy about it, she exasperatedly asked me why I hadn't just put a tarp on the bed.

But anyway, we shall see what happens. I do like her. Maybe a third catbox will make things better.


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