Monday morning

Oct 08, 2007 08:30

I feel more cheerful today. Part of it is just the song. I love "When I Was A Boy." It always makes me laugh. (You can buy the album here, but they don't have a sample of that particular song. Pooh. Lyrics here, though.) Part of it is that David & I got his room clean yesterday(*), and it looks great. And Adam made a great start on cleaning the kitchen. All the ancient veggies are gone (farmshare plus bedrest = lots of fruit flies), and he was even understanding about the fact that my illness just came at the wrong time for us to preserve the last of the harvest.

So today David and I are going to tidy up the living room. I figure we'll do it just like we did his bedroom - I'll have different places to put things and explain to him what we're doing, and I'll have him bring me things to deal with.

I'm also looking forward to breakfast. I have some antibiotic-free supposedly free-range eggs (I know, probably they just let them wander the chicken barn not in cages, and there's a door open someplace, but the lack of antibiotics is nice anyway) and a loaf of multigrain hearth bread, so I'm going to have fried eggs and toast, and some herbal tea.

I might not have been technically correct when I said "whole foods" last night, btw, but it was the best phrase I could come up with. Almost everything I have to eat this week is organic (the pumpkin is conventional, but it's from the same farm that hosts our CSA, and I don't think all my herbal teas are organic either), and almost all of it is still mostly the way it comes from nature - brown rice, dried split peas, bulghur, popcorn... OK, it's dried and threshed and all, but I think it still qualifies as "whole". And I have honey, and goat milk and goat cheese and olive oil and herbs and spices, and some other stuff I'm probably forgetting. The herbal tea and the cheese and the bread are processed, but I'm calling them "close enough."

Oh, have a silly meme. I got it from persis.


- a gallon of honesty
- a gallon of cuteness
- a dash of friendliness

Combine in a blender until smooth.
'What is your personality recipe?' at

So, how about a list for the first time in a while?
  1. Get David dressed
  2. Unload dishwasher with David's help and run empty
  3. Scrub stove top
  4. Get breakfast (Fried eggs, toast, herbal tea)
  5. Start pot of rice
  6. Clear dining room table & replace tablecloth
  7. Pick up stuff from living room floor with David's help
  8. Sweep living room
  9. Put chairs back in place
  10. Take break
  11. Get lunch (Rice, leftover dal, something with broccoli and mushrooms)
  12. Regroup
After that, I may be wiped enough that all I do the rest of the day is hang out & read and keep an eye on David. We shall see. But getting that done will be something. I have doctor calls to make, but those will have to wait for it not to be a national holiday.

I love the fact that all of Sukkot was gorgeous weather and now rain is setting in. Folklorically, that means that our repenting on Yom Kippur was effective.

And now to see about some food.

* Adam did the vacuuming, though, cos he was afraid that would be too strenuous for me.

attempting wellness, lists, meme

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