Mmm I spent the afternoon watching the film version of Pride and Prejudice and now I have my glow-y costume drama romance undemanding outlook on the world. And this was only the second time I've seen the film (I saw it at the cinema before...)! It was as good as I remembered it. You can say what you like about Keira Knightly but I really think she nails Elizabeth Bennet, quite apart from being a closer physical match to my mental image of Lizzie than Jennifer Ehle. Aaaah, I just feel all squishy now. Why can't I live in Regency England and frolick about the countryside? There really is no need to remind me that I would most likely hate to live in Regency England. Quite apart from me rationally knowing this, at the moment I'm too float-y to care) I was thinking about costume dramas the other day, actually, idly wondering if there might be any good ones on telly this autumn... They'll have to start back at the begginning of the classics soon, because surely they must have done every. single. literary. adaptation. ever. at least twice by now. God save us from Wuthering Heights though (I hate Wuthering Heights and no-one has ever convinced me that I should ever like it. Yes I have read it. And re-read it. No, its still not a good book)... I would take an Anne Bronte though- totally underrated.
Idle thoughts lead to idle surfing:
The beeb's autumn schedule Not too shabby looking! Of course the fact that once I'm back at university any chance of me actually being able to watch a run of something uninterrupted pretty much vanishes (bleeding social life!) is a bit of a drag. Sigh.
Erm, anyway, in other news: Paris was fun! We packed A LOT into two days and walked loads so, yeah. Was good seeing Iain again also. I have some pictures up at my
flickr. They're not all up yet, as I took about a million and I have to sort through the ones where I look like a spaz from the ones where I look really deranged. Fun times!