Back from Expo

Oct 27, 2009 18:42

Would like week off please.

I think expo went well from the cosplayer's point of view (I've seen very little negative feedback and most of that was helpful suggestions for next time), but I feel utterly shattered, to the point where I couldn't get up for most of yesterday. Still, someone gave me flowers for helping them on Saturday, which was lovely, and I helped Sailor Steve with his winning magic show. Unfortunately this meant I got dragged up on stage to stand out with the winners, which felt all wrong.

Thanks to everyone who helped out on the desk and in the queue, especially Chevi, the Pixies, Heather, Dez, Mary Beks and Lou, Leena and Miiol. And for Tab, Matt and Timber for helping cart stuff back to the car.

It was good to chat with people on Friday and Saturday, it's just a shame there isn't much time for chilling at the Expo.

I'm looking forward to the ball, as that should be a nice long weekend of relaxing with people, seeing exciting things, catching a show and of course the ball itself.


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