FIC: Drabbles, fifth and last batch

May 24, 2006 09:32

Thanks go to the lovely moondagny for betaing these. *hugs*

for the_dark_twin
Sirius and Lucius
PG-13 for innuendo I think
581 words
This, um, got a little out of hand length-wise.
Plus, this got turned into a 6-page comic strip by the wonderful remeciel. See here.

Summer had - as Sirius had known it would - brought more than one formal party, first in Cornwall, then at Grimmauld Place. What had to be the sixth social function in as many weeks was presently a crushing bore, and as Alphard hadn't been able to attend, and Regulus wasn't yet allowed down for the more official evenings, Sirius was trying hard not to fall asleep - Aunt Lucretia's Stinging Hexes were no laughing matter.

Through half-closed eyes, he regarded the room's occupants. Each of them fancied themselves more important than the rest; the Minister's haughtiness was rivalled only by that of Barty Crouch, who didn't even deign to look at some of the other guests. Party manners aside, Crouch was being groomed for the top post if the comments Sirius' father had made during breakfast were accurate.

Suddenly there was a rush of air next to him, and white-blonde hair brushed against his cheek.

"Why, Sirius," drawled Lucius quietly, "wouldn't you prefer to join us instead of risking dear Walburga getting cross with her anti-social heir?"

"Who's 'we'?" asked Sirius.

"The Grimmauld Place irregulars, I dare say," answered Lucius cryptically and walked off.

Sirius followed him, because surely the harpy and her younger sister couldn't be less entertaining than the people in this room. Indeed, the small drawing room several doors down held a number of people Sirius was surprised to see at an official party like this.

"Look what the kneazle dragged in," came the harpy's voice as she descended upon Sirius, grasping his wrist. "Rodolphus, my dear, I don't believe you've met my cousin Sirius lately, have you?"

Sirius managed to escape Bellatrix' vice-like grip and shook her husband's proffered hand.

"Have you considered the future of your house yet?" inquired Rodolphus, fingers trailing lovingly up and down the length of his wand.

Sirius was tempted to ask if he meant Gryffindor, but before he could so much as open his mouth, Lucius was back at his side.

"Now, now," he said to Rodolphus, placing one arm around Sirius' shoulders. "We don't want to bore Sirius the way that the people in the other room have, do we?"

With this, he steered Sirius away from the couple and whispered:

"See your cousin, the Icy One?"

Sirius looked at Narcissa, who was currently deep in conversation with someone Sirius didn't remember meeting. Still in a whisper, Lucius went on:

"She'll by mine before the year's out."

Sirius very slowly turned to look at him.

"Evidently, early fatherhood robbed Uncle Cygnus of his common sense," he retorted quietly.

Lucius smiled, and it was a real smile that reached his eyes.

"Why yes, I believe it has. What a pity that Orion didn't suffer the same fate." He ran his thumb under Sirius' neat ponytail, caressing the nape of his neck. "I'd have much preferred you to her."

Sirius suppressed a shiver, but couldn't keep his skin from breaking out in goose bumps where Lucius was touching him.

"D'you like the idea?" asked Lucius with a chuckle. "Come now, Sirius, you needn't hide it before me. I know what went on in Cornwall this summer, even if Orion and Walburga have no idea." He wound a finger around Sirius' thick ponytail and pulled ever so lightly. "I hope he's broken you in well, because virgins are no fun at all. Far too much screaming for my taste."

Suddenly, Bellatrix appeared at Lucius' other side.

"Why, prospective brother-in-law?" she drawled. "Don't you Silence them?"

for paranoidsistah
sequel to "Converting Sirius" which you definitely shouldn't go and read, because my writing there sucks big time.
322 words
My, that was difficult. :)

That night, Sirius couldn't sleep. When he turned to his other side for the umpteenth time, he heard someone pad across the room. Moony, loo, the back of his mind supplied, because after six and a half years of sharing space like this, he just knew. On Remus' way back, though, his bare feet led him to a different destination, not quite willingly, because Sirius could hear him hesitate.

"Pads?" Remus whispered, and Sirius answered by opening his eyes to the new moon darkness of the room. Remus gave the sheets a slight tug. "May I?"

"Sure." Sirius lifted his blankets, and Remus crawled into bed next to him. "Your feet are bloody blocks of ice."

"What's the matter?" Remus wanted to know. "It's a rare occasion that you find yourself unable to sleep."

Sirius shrugged under the blankets, or tried to at least.

"Has to happen at some point, doesn't it?"

"I suppose so." Remus found Sirius' right hand and interlaced their fingers. "Pads, if you'd rather stop what we've started…"

Sirius turned to lie on his back, staring up at the canopy of his bed that seemed lost in the dark.

"That's not it," he said eventually.

"What is it then?"

"I've been thinking… James echoed my thoughts today, really. Well, almost at least. What if-what if this puts an end to our friendship at some point?"

Sirius could feel Remus scrutinising him; it was rather like Legilimency. He was almost too wrapped up in his own thoughts to hear Remus' I don't know. He squeezed Remus' hand.

"Is it a good or a bad sign that neither of us has a clue?" he asked, only half-jokingly.

Remus squeezed back and answered:

"Probably a good one. Who'd want to know what the future brings?"

"Might scare us off living altogether, hm?"

Remus drew their clasped hands to his lips and pressed a kiss on each of Sirius' knuckles.


The following, then, was betaed by minnow_53. Thank you. ♥

for moondagny
no prompt
295 words
You didn't ask for a drabble, but you get one anyway just because. ♥

Sirius drifted slowly out of the realm of dreams. It was light in the world beyond his closed eyelids, and he wanted to hold on to sleep for just a few more minutes. He rolled over and stretched languidly, keeping his eyes tightly shut.

Suddenly, there were hands on the small of his back. They travelled up his spine, stroking and kneading carefully, and Sirius gave a sigh of pleasure.

"I thought you got back tomorrow."

"They let me leave early," Remus murmured into his shoulder.

Sirius had no idea who they were, but he wasn't inclined to care too much, not with those hands travelling lower, running over his stomach and hips. And not with that mouth, those lips, tongue and oh yes teeth on his shoulder.

"You'll give me a hickey."

"That's the point," replied Remus, and Sirius could almost hear the smirk with which he said it.

The hands had now arrived at their destination, fingers running feather-light up the length of his cock and spreading precome over the head. Sirius felt his body become pliable under those hands, felt it seeking more contact, moulding itself to the body behind it.

"I've made tea," Remus whispered, giving Sirius' earlobe a lick and tug. "Would you like some?"

Sirius' eyes flew open.

"Tea?" he managed to say calmly, as if this was something to ponder. He tugged at his lower lip with his teeth and turned towards Remus. "Why yes, that sounds lovely."

Letting his fingers slip into Remus' trousers, he grazed them lightly over the tip of his cock, but pulled away again presently and made to get out from under the covers. Remus yanked him back.

"What d'you think you're doing, Black?" he growled, biting his shoulder. "Bloody tease, you are."


Done. :)

fic for others, fic

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