Властелин кольца

Jun 17, 2013 06:08

Очередное продолжение старинной (2005 года) истории о положенном В.Путиным в свой карман золотом перстне со 124 бриллиантами, показанном ему хозяином клуба New England Patriots Робертом Крафтом, оказывается каким-то уж совсем фантасмагоричным.

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кадры, Путин

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"Шутка" aillarionov June 17 2013, 02:24:51 UTC
1. In 2005, a minor international incident was caused when it was reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin had taken one of Kraft's three Super Bowl rings. Kraft quickly issued a statement saying that he had given Putin the ring out of "respect and admiration" he had for the Russian people and Putin's leadership.[11] Kraft later said his earlier statement was not true, and had been issued under pressure from the White House.[12][13][14][15].

2. The New York Post reported on remarks made by Kraft, 72, at a New York awards gala Thursday.

"I took out the ring and showed it to (Putin). And he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring,'" Kraft said, according to the New York Post. "I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."

In the quotes used by the Post, Kraft did not specifically say that Putin stole the ring; the paper characterized his remarks that way in the headline and story. Kraft did say, however, that he had wanted the ring back. "I had an emotional tie to the ring. It has my name on it."

The Patriots' owner said he then received a call from the White House at the time telling him it would be in the best interest of U.S.-Russian relations to claim it was a gift to Putin, the Post reported. Kraft said Thursday he played along.

A few days after the 2005 incident, amid confusion as to whether the ring was a present or was kept by mistake, Kraft issued a statement saying it was a gift.

3. Песков тоже "шутил":
Впрочем, как сказал Песков, «если этот джентльмен испытывает действительно такую мучительную боль от утраты, то президент будет готов отправить ему какое-нибудь другое кольцо, которое сможет купить за свои деньги».


monogatarist June 17 2013, 11:44:00 UTC
А гражданин-то рецидивист! Через 5 лет еще один "подарочек" грабанул прилюдно:


P.S. Подозреваю, что это не последняя история такого рода...


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