Тимченко - Путин - Гайдар - Собчак

Oct 25, 2012 08:57

Борис Немцов написал краткую биографию Геннадия Тимченко, в которой началу его бизнес-деятельности посвящены такие строки:

«Тимченко - давний приятель Путина. Их знакомство началось в 90-х, когда Путин работал заместителем Собчака и возглавлял департамент внешнеэкономических связей Санкт-Петербурга. Они, то есть Путин с Тимченко, создали компанию ( Read more... )

Гайдар, Собчак, криминал, Путин

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Абсурд дошел до НюЙорк Таймс kabud October 26 2012, 04:42:24 UTC
Якобы Развозжаева допытывали или они с Удальцовым не сотрудничают с ЗАПАДНЫМИ СЛУЖБАМИ (Гиви наверное :))

Оба - радикалные леваки-коммунисты, сотрудничающие с КПРФ.

Дурдом кажется проводит месяц открытых дверей.

Both Mr. Udaltsov and Mr. Razvozzhayev are members of Left Front, a radical leftist movement that joined forces with liberal and nationalist activists in a wave of antigovernment protests that began last year. The most recent protest, in September, included a stronger Communist presence and emphasized socioeconomic demands like a freeze in utility costs and pension reform. Mr. Udaltsov has cultivated relationships with leaders of the Communist Party, to whom he refers as allies.

“You know, when serious processes begin in society, a lot of things change, and much has changed since December,” Mr. Udaltsov said in an interview with The New York Times in September. “The most surprising things happen - people who did not socialize suddenly begin to socialize.” Moderate opposition groups that have long cooperated with the Kremlin, he said, “start to act much braver.”

In his interview with The New Times, Mr. Razvozzhayev said his interrogators had asked him about plans to establish a leftist party in Russia, and whether activists would work within a legal framework. He said they also pressed him on whether they were collaborating with “Western special services.”


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