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СПС, Путин, Салье (из интервью британскому ТВ в 2012) moscou_actu November 8 2014, 01:07:49 UTC
00.24 It all happened in 1992. In 2000 I told lots of journalists who I gave interviews to, that Putin is a person who makes a very unpleasant impression. His hand is sticky - which is most unpleasant. And the main impression that he makes on you - straight away - is that he will never tell you the truth.
01.35 Secondly, as I told people then, Putin came to power for a long stay. He’ll keep hold of it with his teeth, his legs, anything he can. And he won’t give up power just like that. He could easily take things to the point of rebellion. But he won’t give up power just like that. And now we’ve reached the point of culmination. [Medevev was a front etc]
02.25 So he’s already been in power for 12 years. Another 12 years, it will be 24 years. On my facebook I have this thing - Soon to be on sale! Tins of ‘Extra’! Putin in stability sauce - lasts for 24 years. [laughs]
03.02 It’s essential - whatever it takes - make sure he doesn’t make it through. I have hope in Prokhorov, and also that they’ll rig the vote - and it’s already happening here in the Pskov region, everywhere.
03.38 Our local agitator travels around collecting signatures. What’s written there, no-one knows, but she collects signatures ‘for Putin’. Obligations to vote for Putin.
Q: Who is she?
04.00 Nina Petrovna something other. She’s a pensioner, an agitator.. I ask people who she is, and people say she’s ‘our agitator’ - from United Russia, the party of crooks and thieves.
Q: 05.00 When you told all this 12 years ago, did people take it seriously?
No. No. They didn’t. The worst thing is that I was part of the [liberal] Right Forces movement. And there was a discussion on who we should support in 2000. And I spoke about 5 times, talking about all of this, talking about my impressions, that he’d be here for a long time. They all supported Putin - Nemtsov, Chubais, KHakamada, Kara-Murza, other people. Gaidar abstained. Against voted Rybakov, me, Titov, someone else.
07.00 They supported Putin for President, Kirienko for Moscow Mayor. I want to talk to Nemtsov one day and ask him how he feels now.


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