Нидерланды, Австралия, Британия, США, Евросоюз, НАТО официально обвинили Россию в крушении МН17

May 26, 2018 10:25

Австралия, Нидерланды, Британия, США, Евросоюз, НАТО возложили на Россию ответственность за крушение самолета "Боинг", сбитого над Украиной 17 июля 2014 года. Накануне международная следственная группа заявила, что самолет, выполнявший рейс MH17, был сбит из установки "Бук", принадлежавшей российской 53-й бригаде ПВО.

Согласно сообщению на сайте правительства Нидерландов, обе страны официально уведомили Россию о своем решении. "Основываясь на заключениях [международной группы следователей], Нидерланды и Австралия убеждены, что Россия несет ответственность за поставку установки "Бук", использованной, чтобы сбить MH17", - говорится в заявлении министра иностранных дел страны Стефа Блока. "Привлечение государства к ответственности - это сложный юридический процесс, и есть несколько способов сделать это. Нидерланды и Австралия сегодня попросили Россию вступить в переговорный процесс, чтобы найти решение, которое восстановит справедливость после ужасающих страданий и ущерба, причиненных крушением MH17", - пояснил министр. По его словам, один из возможных шагов после этого - передача дела в международный суд или организацию для вынесения приговора. Позже Блок заявил, что у России могут потребовать выплаты компенсаций жертвам катастрофы.
Евросоюз и НАТО уже призвали Россию взять на себя ответственность за крушение самолета.
"Европейский совет призывает Российскую Федерацию признать свою ответственность и в полной мере сотрудничать, чтобы установить виновных", - цитирует Франс пресс заявление главного дипломата Евросоюза Федерики Могерини.
С аналогичным заявлением выступил генеральный секретарь НАТО Йенс Столтенберг. "Крушение MH17 стало глобальной трагедией и виновные должны быть привлечены к ответственности. НАТО неоднократно выражало полную поддержку мерам, предпринимаемым голландскими властями и другими, чтобы пролить свет на то, что случилось в тот ужасный день, и добиться справедливости для 298 погибших и их близких", - сказал он.
Глава британского МИД Борис Джонсон заявил: "Кремль считает, что может действовать безнаказанно. Российские власти теперь должны ответить за свои действия в связи с катастрофой MH17". По его словам, Британия полностью поддерживает требования государств-участников расследования к России.

Нидерланды и Австралия
MH17: The Netherlands and Australia hold Russia responsible
The Netherlands and Australia hold Russia responsible for its part in the downing of flight MH17. The government took a decision on this matter, on the proposal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stef Blok. Our two countries have informed Russia of their decision.
‘The downing of flight MH17 caused unimaginable suffering,’ said Dutch foreign minister Stef Blok. ‘The government has always said that the truth surrounding the MH17 disaster had to be brought to light and that justice must be achieved for the victims and their next of kin. The Netherlands has the support of the international community in this respect. On the basis of the JIT’s conclusions, the Netherlands and Australia are now convinced that Russia is responsible for the deployment of the Buk installation that was used to down MH17. The government is now taking the next step by formally holding Russia accountable.’
State responsibility comes into play when states fail to uphold the provisions of international law. A state can then be held responsible for breaching one or more of those provisions. This is the legal avenue that the Netherlands and Australia have now chosen to pursue. Both countries hold Russia responsible for its part in the downing of flight MH17.
Holding a state responsible is a complex legal process, and there are several ways to do this. The Netherlands and Australia today asked Russia to enter into talks aimed at finding a solution that would do justice to the tremendous suffering and damage caused by the downing of MH17. A possible next step is to present the case to an international court or organisation for their judgment.
Holding Russia accountable for its part in the downing of flight MH17 on the basis of international law is a course of action that is separate from the criminal investigation and any prosecution and trial of the perpetrators of the downing of flight MH17. The investigation by the JIT continues, and it is up to the Public Prosecution Service to decide if and when individuals will be identified as suspects and indicted.
‘We call on Russia to accept its responsibility and cooperate fully with the process to establish the truth and achieve justice for the victims of flight MH17 and their next of kin,’ said the minister.

The United States has complete confidence in the findings of the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) as presented today by the Dutch Public Prosecutor: the missile launcher used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 originated from the 53rd Anti-aircraft Brigade of the Russian Federation, stationed in Kursk.
Today’s announcement confirms and adds detail to what we have said from the earliest days of this tragedy: MH17 was shot down by a Russian-made BUK surface-to-air missile fired from territory in eastern Ukraine controlled by Russia and Russia-led forces.
We recall the UN Security Council’s demand that “those responsible … be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability.” We call upon Russia, in particular, to respect and adhere to UN Security Council Resolution 2166 (2014). It is time for Russia to cease its lies and account for its role in the shoot down.
We remain confident in the ability of the Dutch criminal justice system to prosecute those responsible in a manner that is fair and just.
We again extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims and call for justice on behalf of the 298 innocent civilians who lost their lives on that day.

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the findings of the Joint Investigation Team on the downing of flight MH17
The European Union reiterates its full support for the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166, which demands that those responsible for the downing of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014 be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability.
On 24 May 2018, the Joint Investigation Team presented further findings of its independent, professional and impartial investigation. It concluded that the BUK installation used to bring down flight MH17 belonged beyond doubt to the armed forces of the Russian Federation.
The European Union calls on the Russian Federation to accept its responsibility and to fully cooperate with all efforts to establish accountability.

The Netherlands and Australia have announced that they hold Russia responsible for its part in the downing of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014. I call on Russia to accept responsibility and fully cooperate with all efforts to establish accountability, in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166.
Yesterday's interim report of the ‎Joint Investigation Team on the downing of MH17 concluded that the missile launcher used to shoot down the plane originated from the 53rd Anti-aircraft Brigade of the Russian Federation, stationed in Kursk.
The downing of MH17 was a global tragedy, and those responsible must be held accountable. NATO has repeatedly expressed its full support for the efforts undertaken by the Dutch authorities and others to shed light on what happened on that terrible day, and to achieve justice for the 298 people who were killed and their loved ones.

Британия, Россия, Нидерланды, НАТО, Европа, mh-17, Запад, США, криминал

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