May 11, 2010 12:58
Sri Sri: When were you in control of your life? If you ever thought you were in control of your life, then I’m sorry, for your ignorance. What is that you are going to lose? Do you have any control over your thoughts? They come like a stream.
After Pranayam and Meditation you have become aware of this. Now that you know what’s happening then you started questioning. So now you are getting control, you are becoming aware of your thoughts. When we conducted courses in prison, prisoners told, oh I can watch my thoughts.
They regret had they done this before they wouldn’t be there in prison.
Don’t worry you are not losing control. These are the moments when you realize nothing is in your hands. Pray. Prayer will make your desire strong. It will fructify.
Jai Gurudev
art of living,
Шри Шри Рави Шанкар