Aug 11, 2010 00:03
i started out my day with a couple of hours of meetings for my ra job and then went to the coffeeshop where i finished coding yesterday's transcript. Not much new on that front, but i was reminded in listening to my informant's description of a good and bad mother how much those things get overdetermined.
The idea of overdetermination is pretty important to what i'm doing with morality, and it is already known conceptually in anthro, but i actually learned about it in the context of fate in oedipus at colonnus. I think that must have been with tvn. It took me a while to get it, but when i did, i think it was a pretty major conceptual shift for me. This is fated beyond mortal control AND free will? Total mindfuck.
I didn't get much done on the new transcription, and the book i was reading pisses me off with its exclusionary definition of women so i stopped reading it. And worst of all, i start observing for my ra at 8:30 am tomorrow and wont get home till around 5. So much for making up for today's failures tomorrow...
I'm typing this on my phone, in bed, while i fail to get to sleep in time to not be as exhausted tomorrow as i was today. Yay phone! Boo insomnia.