(anthropology) I am sooooo tired. This week was overwhelming, but I finally managed to get out my National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposal, my midterm, and my professional poster with the quantitative analysis of word variance in sex ed curricula. I feel good about the essays for the NSF (though I screwed up some of the other requirements - let's not talk about it), I am a little apathetic about my midterm (but am glad it got done), and I'm quite proud of the poster (my prof suggested we submit it to medical anthropological conferences). Next up is another book review paper, a current events presentation, and a paper that will form the bulk of our literature review for a research project on guidance counseling for undocumented students that I hope to continue with a colleague next year, and a qualitative research paper on discourse analysis. I am feeling good. That's four professional development thingies related to publication and presentation in conferences. I will polish them up over Winter break and begin submitting them in the spring.
(Bordieu) I look good. That is, I'm wearing professional clothes, shoes, and hair still and I like it. Like many people in D.C., I think a somewhat conservative business attire is the way to go. It makes me feel professional, which in turn keeps my behavior professional (I have yet to miss a deadline or a class or a meeting or anything - quite a change from my undergrad experience), and helps maintain clear boundaries between work and personal. I think, like at Identity, this is an important boundary to maintain, especially because there is already so much necessary overlap (I work mostly at home, my social network is made up of colleagues, etc).
(culture) I had a job interview today for an Office Asst. position in the learning disabilities program. It's really pretty ideal for me, only 3-4 hours a day during hours I can totally handle. It's on campus, walking distance from all my classes, and it seems possible that there is some form of tuition remission. I'll find out next week if I get the job. My fingers are crossed.
(Derrida) Did I mention I'm tired? I've been sleeping plenty (a minimum of eight hours), but my brain is begging for more time off. I'm sure meditation would help (as always), but I can't seem to be totally consistent with it. At least I haven't totally abandoned it. Exercise might help, too, but I rarely accompany Guille to the gym like I ought to.
(Foucault) My best friend is currently in a plane on her way to Taiwan (by way of Korea). I am super excited for her and proud that she is claiming her own path and making a career in unexpected and awesome ways. She is brilliant and therefore it would be easy to allow herself to fall into many little boxes set up for smart people, but she is also brave, and so she is making her own way. Go
tatterpunk !