I'm exhausted

Nov 04, 2008 23:20

I had big goals for today re: grant proposal writing, a very small portion of which were actually completed. I'm about to get started again now. But I am now really really tired, despite sleeping in this morning. I think it's the flood of emotions. Despite feeling very optimistic, I was pretty anxious all day long. Then, when Guille said, "Barack Obama was elected president," I couldn't quite process it. Despite almost two years of feverish obsession with polls and scandals, I had no prepared category once he was actually, elected. I think Jesse Jackson crying really brought it home for me. But then, once I really got it, I started getting nervous. What to do with all of this political energy that has become as normal in my life as checking my email?

I hope that the online political communities and activism will persist. I hope that, despite apparently passing, the marriage bans of California, Arizona, and Florida will be over-turned by a community rising up together. I hope that the Panda Express 11 are allowed to live without fear in the United States, and that all inhabitants of this country are given access to education and work. I hope that reproductive rights are protected by law in such clear terms that they will never be threatened again. And that's just the stuff we already know (more or less) how to resolve! I hope that I will use some of that energy to make those things happen.

But now, I've got to use the tiny amount that is left in me tonight to finish my grant application, and hope that my research will be funded and begin making just such a difference. I feel incredibly blessed.

sexual health, politics, grad school

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